DS 1

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Even as the mass ends and Niall and Claire are officially proclaimed husband and wife, Harry can't believe that he's not in fact dreaming. How is this possible? How did his batshit crazy plan of letting Zayn find his way back to him work? Fate must truly be real, Harry reckons, or it's pure dumb luck.

As Harry finally has to let go off of Zayn's hand when it's time to clap for the newlyweds as they depart the church, it's emptiness summarized in a single feeling. Harry swallows harshly and tries to prepare himself for reality, for the entire world that exists outside the blissful silent moments that revolved only around their hands touching again after four years.

They both get out of the pew and awkwardly stand around as people around them start to leave the church. It seems like neither of them had a solid plan for what happens after.

"I, uhm," Harry starts, pulling at his bottom lip. "I think I need to find a pharmacy before the reception? My allergies are acting up today, more than usual. I've rented a car, actually so, I hope I will see you at the reception? You're going, right?"

"Yes, I am," Zayn says, smiling nervously. "I'd never hear the end of it from Niall if I didn't go. Plus, I'll get to see you again."

Harry smiles, a blush trying to creep up on his cheeks. God, he's like a bloody teenager. "You will, yes. I've got to get going now, yeah? I don't want to be horribly late just in case there's traffic somewhere."

Zayn nods, still smiling at Harry like he can't quite believe they're speaking and they're not shouting at each other. Harry understands the sentiment. "I'll see you soon then?"

"Definitely," Harry affirms and snakes his way out through the crowd. He was close to suffocating it seemed like, with his heart holding him at siege, his mind bombarding him with memories. Too much at one time, not enough time to process.

Harry quickly finds his rental car and vacates the premises quickly. He can't stop pulling at his bottom lip, his brain going at a million miles per hour. What the fuck? What the fuck?

He takes a deep breath, counting out another one, and another one, just like at yoga. He just saw Zayn again after four years. Harry stuck to his promise to himself of not running, not panicking (well...) and they didn't start screaming at each other. No, they absolutely didn't. Harry's breath hitches when he remembers Zayn's words, that hesitant yet unyielding look in his eyes. I've regretted it every single day, not fighting for you. Remorse, that's what it was. Harry said almost the same thing. It's no longer a secret. They aren't hiding their regrets from each other anymore. They don't have amnesia, they know very well why they hadn't seen each other for four years. Both of them felt the blinding pain of their breakup, of the cruel words uttered that night, of the truth blown out of proportion with the intent to hurt and cut deep inside their souls.

To an outsider, they must seem like complete fools. And likely, they are. Can they fix it? Is their sheer will and determination enough this time or is the universe working against them?

Harry muses over the possibilities, stressing out about the details of the night yet to come. Will they even sit close to each other? Or did Niall make sure they would be sat on the other side of the room? Should they move their seats next to one another or is that too much too soon? What is the fucking etiquette of reconciling a romance with your two-time-ex who you almost married years ago? Should they dance? Kiss? Exchange numbers out of courtesy even though they both have them? Pretend like their past doesn't exist and they never hurt each other so badly it felt like a life-threatening injury? To put it shortly, Harry doesn't have a fucking clue.

He also drives like a maniac to the nearest pharmacy and makes it there six minutes before Google maps said he would. As quickly as possible, he gets a box of Claritin and records a video saying hi for the shopkeeper's granddaughter and leaves. Naturally, Harry's at the venue sooner than Google said he would be. Thankfully, as he pulls into the car park, many people are still only arriving so that's a catastrophe squashed before it can actually happen.

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