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Months later, after the initial engagement-elation has drifted away, both Harry and Zayn are hard at work again. Each of their albums has been released, Zayn's on tour and Harry's filming. It's good to be busy, Harry loves it and adores his job but he gets lonely. The solitude of hotel rooms and planes is startling sometimes. He thinks he's grown allergic to the glow of his laptop screen in the darkness when he and Zayn Skype in the middle of the night.

It's another 2AM Skype session just like any other when Harry's in Spain, filming on location, while Zayn is in Australia on tour. Almost a month has passed since the last time they saw each other not through a camera. Nearly four weeks since Harry didn't sleep in a cold, empty bed, longing for that familiar warm body wrapped around his back.

"I met a really cute koala bear yesterday," Zayn says, his eyes squinty since he seems to be on a balcony with his laptop on a table. "You would have loved her. So cuddly. We need to get another pet."

"Aw, remember when that one koala peed on Liam, was it?" Harry chuckles. "I love those little rascals. They're so chill. And we do. I'd love a cat."

"Oh god, yeah that chlamydia stuff," Zayn laughs. "Oh shit, it's really late for you right? We've been talking for ages, I'm keeping you up. I don't want you to be sleepy tomorrow during filming."

"No," Harry protests even though his eyes have been droopy for an hour. "I'm fine, baby."

Treacherously, Harry then can't suppress a yawn.

"Sure," Zayn smirks. "Call me when you wake up, yeah? I miss you so much, baby. Can't wait to be home with you again. Being without you sucks majorly."

"I'll call you," Harry promises and rubs his eye with his fist. "Miss you even more. It's gorgeous here, wish you could be here with me."

"I do too, babe," Zayn smiles wistfully. "Okay, I'll see you later. Goodnight. I love you. Get some rest."

"I love you. Bye. Have a great day," Harry rushes out before yawning again and ending the call.

After putting his laptop on the bedside table, he collapses into the soft mound of pillows but Harry's mind is more restless than his body. He's worried about their relationship. Not in the way that they're not in love anymore, nothing like that. But since their engagement, they haven't really progressed with the actual wedding planning because they've been too busy. Harry was actually thinking about getting married in summer but found out it's impossible due to their schedules.

How are they supposed to build a family like this? They're rarely home and even if they are, they're working on something. Harry realized that it wasn't noticeable to them because they're not forced to work like they were in the band. The music, films, fashion, all of it is done just because they want to. It's scared Harry in a way. What if they're not ready to settle down? What if they make a mistake and then fight and start hating each other?

Harry truly loves what he does but he lacks the feeling of standing still. Of being anchored. And he desperately wants it. With the engagement, he thought everything would unfold naturally and swiftly. A wedding, a baby, a family. Things that would give him purpose other than his career.

He's been doing this since he was just sixteen and a decade of this business is the right time for a proper break. The world will not fall apart if he doesn't release an album for four years. While his work is an amazing legacy to leave behind, Harry doesn't want to let only the music do the talking.

The security of marriage and the devotion of having a family is what Harry wants at this point in his life. The family can wait a few years before he truly grasps adulthood. But after years and years of floating around without a real home base, all this is long overdue. Firstly, he and Zayn need to start spending more time on the same continent together. 


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