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   Harry wakes up in the morning to the obnoxious sound of Marimba blaring from his phone. He reluctantly opens his eyes, only to close them right away because of the annoying sun that's trying to burn out his eyeballs. Fuck, this room really needs some curtains.

His head is snuggly pillowed on Zayn's chest and he doesn't want to move, not now, not ever. Only the fucking alarm's blaring like a damn ambulance so he lifts himself up, his entire body aching, and somehow manages to grab his jeans off the floor without having to leave the bed. He turns it off and throws the phone along with his jeans back on the floor. It's already six and he's most likely to miss his plane if he continues to longue in bed, but honestly, he couldn't care less. That's why he lays his head on Zayn again, throwing a leg between Zayn's and enjoys the last moment of quiet he'll have for a long time. If only it weren't interrupted by that bloody phone.

"Morning, babe," Zayn mumbles, startling Harry a bit.

"Thought you were asleep," Harry rasps, his voice ruined after sleeping and also last night. He places a small kiss near Zayn's nipple, just because his skin is right there and he can, so who's gonna stop him?

"With that alarm? And you kicking my shin about eight times? Not a chance."

"Sorry," Harry lies. He would've woken him up anyway when he was about to leave.

"It's fine. I wouldn't want you to leave without seeing you first and kissing you goodbye."

Harry lifts his head up and smiles at him. "How about a bit more than a kiss? I'm going to be gone for an awfully long time."

Zayn playfully rolls his eyes. "You're gonna be the death of me. And you're gonna miss your plane."

Harry pouts and bites Zayn's peck. Zayn yelps and starts laughing. "I'll come see you, baby. No need to start getting aggressive."

"That's what I thought," Harry smirks, resting his chin on Zayn's chest. "I'm gonna miss you so much. Just when I get you back, I have to leave you. This is bollocks."

"I'll miss you too," Zayn sighs and pushes Harry's hair out of his eyes. "It's just for a few months. We'll meet a few times and before you know it, we're gonna be home again."

"Still," Harry mumbles. Zayn just gives him a sad smile, still playing with the longer strands of Harry's hair.

"I miss your long curly locks. Who's cutting your hair this short?" Zayn frowns. Harry laughs, shifting a bit and resting his chin on his hand.

"Didn't you always use to complain about waking up with a mouthful of my hair?"

"Sure, but I could always pull it and play with it. Also, you were so cute with long hair."

"Cute?" Harry cackles. He tries not to think of Zayn mentioning pulling his hair because it won't help his morning wood situation at all and then he will seriously miss his plane.

"Well, yeah. Cute, adorable, lovely. But it doesn't really matter, you're always beautiful," Zayn smiles at him and Harry's breath gets lost somewhere. He continues to gently tug at Harry's hair but his eyes are set on Harry's face, full of love and fondness. Harry's most likely smiling dumbly at Zayn, not that he's sure of what kind of an expression his face is actually making since he feels like he's going to melt under Zayn's gaze.

"I'm so in love with you," Harry whispers because he couldn't think about anything else, the strong feeling of tenderness and fucking adoration overpowering all of his other thoughts.

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