GQ 2

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            "Would you eat a peach that I came into?" Harry asks, lifting his eyes from the lines in the book. Zayn stops in his tracks and turns to look at Harry.

"What?" he exhales, putting his hand on the dresser and leaning against it.

"This book I'm reading, Call Me By Your Name, we saw the film last year?"

"Yeah?" Zayn nods, still watching Harry on the bed with furrowed brows, a face that could easily have its own name and it certainly would be 'What the fuck are you talking about, Harry?'.

"Well, in this once scene, Elio's like... thinking about Oliver's arse and stuff, but that's not important. He kinda, fucks a peach? And then Oliver eats it? Like come and all. Would you ever do that?"

Zayn starts to laugh and throws the towel from his waist on Harry's head. When Harry emerges from under it, he's already putting on boxers.

"Zayn, I'm serious," Harry groans, throwing the towel back. "It means to represent a part of their love. Wouldn't you do that for me?"

"You want me to eat a peach with your come in it as a love declaration?"

Harry groans again, shutting the book close and putting it on his bedside table.

"No, it was just a hypothetical question. I just think their love story is heart-breaking but so full of love. And like, they show their love in very different ways. It's interesting."

Zayn stops staring at him like he's just got out of a madhouse and gives him a small smile. "Well, babe, if it's any consolation, I'd much rather suck your cock than eat a peach full of your come."

Harry scoffs but promptly starts laughing. "And you call yourself a romantic?"

"I'm a practical romantic," Zayn walks to the bed and straddles Harry's thighs over the duvet. "D'you want that love declaration now?"

Harry smiles and grabs the back of Zayn's neck, tilting his face down so they can kiss.

"No, not right now," Harry sighs when they part. Tearing his eyes off of Zayn's face seems more like something fit for a supernatural being, so he just keeps gazing at him with a stupid smile on his face. The comforting warmth in his chest has been a near constant presence for some time now and Harry feels like it's his own personal armour against heartbreak. With his heart demolished so many times, it's keeping it solid and smooth; completely recovered. The mist of warmth is being shaken by anxiety now, after Niall brought up the hiatus issue a few days ago. He can't keep thinking about the accusing tone of Niall's voice, how he basically lied to them all and now he's the arsehole because he doesn't want the band back together again. It's not like he would agree with the reunion just so they aren't mad at him, he wouldn't. But this whole situation still worries him.

"What?" Zayn asks with a chuckle. Harry forces a smile on his face that was replaced with a frown by his thinking.

"Your face is inhumanly beautiful and I love you, can't I stare a little bit?"

"Not that, babe. You started frowning. What is it?"

Harry sighs and gently pushes Zayn off of him. Sitting against the headboard, Harry takes another deep breath and decides that it's useless to be brooding instead of talking about things. He's put that whole non-communicating era behind him. Being an angsty fuck who pretends like everyone can just simply read his mind has never paid off.

"It's Niall," Harry says after a moment.

"What about him?"

"Do you think I fucked up?"

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