||24|| This is Going to Work

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The relief of
Giving in to destruction.

Chapter Twenty-Four"This is Going to Work"

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Chapter Twenty-Four
"This is Going to Work"

Scarlett's POV:

I smile widely, watching Alexander growl and hiss to himself, his fingers curling into fists over and over again. He paces back and forth in the entrance of the study, brows slammed atop his eyes and lips pulled back in a snarl, chest rumbling with his displeasure.

Him and Achilles couldn't think of a plan better than mine.

Alexander mutters an oath, promising violence to every name he can think of. I disguise my laugh with a cough, blinking innocently when he turns to glare at me.

"Don't you start," he grumbles, baring his teeth and lengthening his strides. I hold my hands up in surrender, smirking smugly.

"Thought of anything yet?" I taunt, raising a brow and leaning forwards in the study chair. Alexander opens his mouth, probably to growl at me or snap something about giving him more time, but he doesn't get the chance.

Someone knocks on our cell door. It's quieter than usual, missing the harsh banging Quinn likes to get our attention with. I don't have to look at the clock to know it is quarter to twelve, and Meredith is at the door, ready to take us to Monica.

"Time's up," I say, hating how quiet my voice comes out. I wanted to sound strong, sure of myself and ready to free my best friend. But now that it's time... everything becomes too real. Teasing Alexander let me pretend that everything was okay, and we weren't about to embark on a suicide mission.

Alexander doesn't mention it, staring at me with his jaw locked and a desperation in his eyes I have only seen in movies. He says nothing, stalking from the study and into the cul-de-sac. His steps are loud, but the rustling of clothes is louder, and Alexander comes back to stand in the study doorway with the guard uniform on and helmet tucked under his arm.

For some reason, the escape plan hasn't seemed real until now. I slept okay last night, with what-if thoughts playing with the insecurities in my brain, but I haven't been afraid until now. All because Alexander has a goddamn guard uniform on.

"Promise me something," Alexander takes a breath, ignoring Meredith's second knock on the door. "Promise me if things go sideways, you w-"

"Will call for you immediately. I know how the protective male speech goes," I roll my eyes, trying to hide the downpour of doubt slowly filling up my stomach.

Alexander doesn't look bothered about being interrupted, waiting for me to finish my piece before he continues, "No. Promise me you won't hesitate to protect yourself. No matter the cost. I'll just have to make do following the sounds of you kicking arse."

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