||34|| That's Plan B

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What if I slept
A little more and
Forgot about this nonsense?

What if I sleptA little more and Forgot about this nonsense?

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Chapter Thirty-Four
"That's Plan B"

Scarlett's POV:

It's cold the next morning. The sky is overcast with dark clouds and ad-like intermissions of sunshine, and the air is cool and soothing on my skin. The three of us sit around an unlit firepit; if the prison spots a flame, we're all done for.

"Does anyone know how we're going to survive Citadel?" Kylie asks, teeth chattering and sleeping bag pulled close around her shoulders. "Because three people going against a prison complex and it's maniacal, government overlord sounds like a recipe for disaster."

I nod loosely, but keep my mouth shut. I don't so much as have an idea, but a little voice in the back of my head that throws violent one-shots at me. Like, releasing the other prisoners to build up our numbers and making sure Tolkien and Lyon don't survive. 

Other than that, I have nothing overly useful. No way to get into the prison unseen; no clue how to open the cell doors; if said cells doors are manually locked or not; what to do if Lyon isn't even there; and nothing even close to an escape plan.

"Do you have any ideas?" I avoid the question, blinking innocently. Kylie tries to shrug, but she's shivering so bad she can't get her body to cooperate. I roll my eyes and wriggle out of the sleeping bag I was in, throwing it at her. She doesn't protest, not wasting a second to burrow into the blanket of warmth.

"But you'll be-" Alexander starts, but he chokes on his words as I climb into his lap, legs tangled with his, back to his chest and his body heat pressing against me. Kylie's brows rise, and her lips stop their chilled dancing to quirk mischievously. 

"I mean, I have an escape idea," Alexander clears his throat, shuffling me around so I'm somehow closer to him. His embarrassment doesn't last long, and he wraps his arms around my stomach, resting his chin in the crook of my neck.

"Are you sure you're paying enough attention to tell us this escape plan of yours?" I tease. He stayed with me all night, not talking, just holding me while I broke down. And when I was done, he let me fall asleep against him. I'm feeling more... at peace than I have in a long time, our suicide mission aside.

Alexander doesn't answer, pinching my arm lightly, "With all the prisoners free, the guards won't be so focused on the state of the prison as they will on the inmates. We blow it up. All of it."

"What?" Kylie sputters, eyes wide.

"When Lyon and Tolkien are out of the way, we blow up the whole prison. Every floor. You need a detonator to set off plastic explosives, so we wouldn't have to worry about getting caught when it goes up in flames. Once it has collapsed... leaving unnoticed won't be hard."

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