||14|| How to Be a Cheater

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Some old wounds
Never truly heal,
And bleed again at the
Slightest word.

Some old woundsNever truly heal,And bleed again at the Slightest word

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Chapter Fourteen
"How to Be a Cheater"

Scarlett's POV:

That same day, Alexander and I don't interact until Quinn comes to collect us for another prison activity. The head guard has been awfully quiet these past few weeks, like Meredith knocking her out pinballed a couple of brain cells.

As usual, the walk to our activity is silent, a hulking Alexander acting as my bodyguard, his chest so close to my back I can feel his heat through my clothes. That's another thing he can attribute to his lycanthrope – his body heat. Lycanthropy originated in Europe, and they needed a way to combat the cold winters. Evolution obeyed.

"Games room. Two hours, no less," one of the guard's says, giving me a pointed look. He was probably in the gym that week, where we left early because I started a bit of trouble. I smile innocently but say nothing. Best to keep them on their toes.

Besides, in the two weeks since that day, Alexander and I have been participating in activities every second day. We're used to the routine by now. Still, that doesn't stop the emphasised reminders a few of the guards give, nor does it get rid of Alexander's need to make sure I'm safe.

The games room is a sad place. It's small, fitting twenty people at most; guard and inmate included. There are three old boardgames and a couple packs of cards that sit on a coffee table in the middle of the room. Other than that, only the wooden tables and chairs take up space.

"Look what the cat dragged in!" Monica hollers from the back of the room, sitting beside her sister, Natalia, a pack of cards spread in front of them. I laugh at her, winking slyly and settling in a seat opposite the two, my back to the rest of the room.

Alexander stands behind the sisters, arms crossed and face set in hard lines. He never partakes in the activities we're dragged to. Ever since the gym, where the foul-smelling male tried to attack me, he's refused to take his eyes off the other inmates. So, not only is he a bodyguard, but a sentry.

It doesn't bother Monica or Natalia, apparently he makes them feel safe. I'm in the same boat, and flattery blossoms in my belly whenever he's protective, because he finds me worth protecting. But it's also annoying, because he's never having fun and makes me feel like I'm incapable of taking care of myself.

Natalia shuffles the cards in her hands, fingers long and delicate. She smiles, asking shyly, "Do you want to play Go Fish? Or memory? Or rummy? If you don't want to play with us, that's fine too, but just in case you did, I wanted to give you the option of what we play beca-"

Monica, without looking even looking away from me, says softly, "Natalia, you're rambling."

Natalia blushes, her whole face bleeding red. I grin, chest warm. The girls and I have gotten close in the last two weeks. It's like Tolkien is using them as a peace offering, because they've been in every activity Alexander and I go to.

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