"I love you more than anything babe and everyday I fall more and more in love with you" He said, getting down on one knee and taking a box out of his pocket. "Danielle Rose Diaz, will you make me happier than you already do and marry me?" He asked. "I love you" I cried. "Of course I'll marry you" I grinned as he stood up and placed the ring on my finger, kissing me and everyone cheered. "I love you" I smiled, kissing him. "I love you too" Rook said. Megan, Ashleigh and I made our way off stage as the concert resumed. "Show me the ring" Megan said. "Oh, it's beautiful" Ashleigh gushed. "Did you know this was happening?" I asked. "I knew he planned on proposing to you" She said.

"I didn't know he was going to propose tonight" She added. "I'm so happy for you babe" Megan said, hugging me. "I'm so happy" I grinned, looking at my ring. "I need to ring Alaïa" I said, taking my phone out and FaceTiming Alaïa. "Hey babe, are you enjoying yourself?" She asked, answering the phone. "Yeah, I'm having such a good time" I smiled. "I'll tell you all about it when I get home but I have some amazing news that couldn't wait until we got back" I said. "You're not pregnant, are you?" She asked. "What? No. We literally only got here yesterday and nothing happened" I laughed. "Then what's your big news?" She asked.

"I'm engaged!" I grinned. "What! No way, I'm so happy for you babe, you deserve it" She smiled. "I wish you were here" I said. "Me too but I'll see you in a few days" She said. "I can't wait" I said. "I'll let you go, I've to go feel Paisley and Holden" She said. "I'll text you later" She smiled, hanging up. "Where'd Noah disappear to?" Megan laughed as the boys made their way off stage. "Honestly, I don't know and I really don't care" I said as Rook wrapped his arm around my waist. "Tonight calls for a celebration" Kells shouted as we made our way to his dressing room. "Who would've thought that the two people who couldn't stand each other would end up getting married" Megan laughed.

"We should throw a party when we get home" Rook said. "That sounds like a good idea" Megan said. "Any excuse for a party" I laughed. "But I agree, we should have an engagement party" I said. "So who's excited to go clubbing" Kells shouted. "I'm giving it a miss tonight, I'm bringing Dani out for dinner to celebrate our engagement" Rook said. "I'm here for another few days Rook" I laughed. "We can go clubbing if you want to. It's our last show in Ireland, I wanna see if the hype about the Irish being the best for a party is true" I added. "If you want to go clubbing then we'll go clubbing" He smiled, kissing me. We made our way out to the cabs and drove to the nightclub. Once we arrived, we paid our entry free and made our way inside.

"I'm going to get a drink, I'll be back in a second" Rook shouted before making his way over to the bar. I took my engagement ring off and put it in my purse so I didn't lose it. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Megan shouted as we danced. "Yeah" I shouted in reply. We danced for a while before leaving the club and making our way back to the hotel. "I can't wait to spend forever with you" Rook smiled, pulling me into him as we got into bed. "I love you" I smiled, kissing him. "I love you too" He said. "You know, I didn't originally plan to propose to you like this" He said. "What did you originally have in mind?" I asked, looking up at him and playing with his hair.

"I originally planned on bring you out to dinner and going for a walk along the beach and proposing to you at sunset with everyone around" He said. "But after yesterday, I felt like I was losing you because of the whole Noah thing so I thought I'd ask you today instead of waiting" He added. "You weren't losing me babe, I was just upset about the whole situation, I felt like she was coming between us" I said. "No one will ever come close to even comparing to you" He said, kissing me. "You're the best" I smiled. "So, have you thought about who you're going to ask to be part of your bridal party?" He asked. "Most likely Megan, Ashleigh and Alaïa" I said. "Casie and Isla can be the flower girls and Ashton can be the page boy" Rook said. "Yeah if Braxton ever talks to me again" I said.

"There's no harm in asking" He said. "Who are you planning on asking to be your groomsmen?" I asked. "The boys" He replied. "We should start planning the wedding" I laughed. "Should we get a wedding planner?" Rook asked. "No, I think we should do it ourselves" I said.  "If that's what you want" He said, kissing me. "Have you told Alaïa yet?" He asked. "Yeah I called her as soon as I got off stage" I said. "I think Kells said he rang her when I was proposing to you" He said. "I can't wait to marry your" I smiled. "Same here babe, the sooner, the better" He said, pulling me close and kissing me as someone knocked on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked, looking at him. "No, are you?" He asked as the knocking continued. "I'll get it, wait here" I said, standing up and throwing Rooks top on and walking to the door. "Noah?" I said, opening the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want Rook" She said, walking into the room. "I'm getting married to Dani, give it a rest" Rook said. "No, she takes everything from me. She took my career, she took my first boyfriend" Noah said. "Cole wasn't your boyfriend Noah" I sighed. "You had a crush on him, it's not my fault that he didn't feel the same" I said. "I never took your career either, I just got lucky" I added.

"I don't give a shit whether Cole liked you and not me or you got lucky and I didn't, you ruined my life now I'm ruining yours" Noah said. "You can try ruin my life Noah but you won't. I've an amazing career, I have my friends who are more like my family and the most amazing fiancé" I said. "You can't ruin my life even if you tried because even if you ruined my career I still have my family and my amazing fiancé" I added. "Don't even bother trying to break Dani and I up, there's no one else in this world that I want or will ever want" Rook said. "I'll get you, don't worry" Noah said before leaving. "I'm yours forever baby, don't forget that" Rook said, kissing me once I got into bed.

"You looked so beautiful tonight babe, I'm one lucky man" He added, kissing me again. "If you had told me last year that I was going to be marrying the guy who made my life hell for years, I wouldn't believe you but there is no one else I'd rather spend forever with" I smiled. "I love you" Rook grinned. "I love you too" I said. "Where's your ring?" He asked, taking my hand in his. "I put it in my bag when we arrived at the club, it's a little bit too big for my finger and I didn't want to lose it" I said. "I'm going to get it resized when I get home, along with my promise ring" I added. We spent most of the night talking about ideas for our wedding before falling asleep. I'm really going to miss Rook once I get back to LA but it's only going to be three weeks before he gets home and I'll have my man back with me for good, or at least until the next tour.

Hate to love you//RookxxWhere stories live. Discover now