"So ladies" Megan said. "Let's get this engagement party planned" She grinned. "Should we have a theme?" Alaïa asked. "How about a black tie theme?" Megan suggested. "I love it" I grinned. "What will the colour scheme be?" I asked. "Black and gold?" Alaïa said. "It'll be like a night at the Oscars" I laughed. "It's your birthday the week after the boys get home from tour, why don't we celebrate the two at once? Kill two birds with one stone" Alaïa said. "Everyone who'll be invited to the engagement party will be invited to your birthday party. If you have one party, it'll save you money so you'll have more for your wedding budget" She added. "You're a genius Leï" I said. I got a notepad and a pen and drew up a rough idea for the invites.

"We can easily do that on the computer and email it to everyone" Megan said. "I can do that for you now if you wanted" Alaïa said, taking her MacBook out of her laptop bag. "What do you think?" She asked a couple of minutes later, turning her MacBook to face me. "I love it Leï, it's perfect" I grinned, hugging her. "Who's invited and I'll send them the invite" She said. "The boys obviously, ModSun, Dom, Ashleigh, you two, Rooks family" I said. "You can send one to Brax as well but I don't think he'll come" I added. "Invites are sent so that's one thing off the list. We can go get the decorations tomorrow" She said. "What about the cake?" Megan asked. "We can order that tomorrow too, along with some food platters, we need to book a venue for the party" I said. "What about that hotel that just opened?" Alaïa suggested.

"I'm sure they'll love the publicity" She added. "Oh yeah, that looks really fancy" I said, picking up my phone and googling the number for the hotel. "Royal Hotel LA, Jodi speaking. How can I help you?" The receptionist said answering the phone. "Hi, I was just wondering if I can book the function room for a party in around four weeks?" I asked. "That's not a problem at all, just hold on and I'll transfer you to our events department" She said, putting me on hold and playing that annoying music. "Royal Hotel LA events department, Louis speaking. How can I help you" Someone said. "Hi, I'm looking to book the function room for a party in about four weeks if you have it free" I said.

"What date are you looking to book for?" He asked. "The 18th of November if you have it free" I said. "That's no problem, I'll write you in for the 18th of November" He said. "Can I get a name please?" He asked. "It's Dani Diaz" I said. "The Dani Diaz?" He said. "The one who sings Dangerous Woman?" He asked. "The one and only" I laughed. "Sorry, I'm a huge fan" He laughed. "It's not a problem at all, thanks for your support" I said. "What type of party are you looking to have?" He asked. "It's a birthday and engagement party" I said. "Oh yeah I heard, congratulations on the engagement" He said. "Thank you" I laughed. "So how many guests are you booking for?" He asked. "There'll be at least 50 of us" I said.

"And will you want food platters?" He asked. "Yeah please, we'll be bringing our own cake and decorations" I said. "That's no problem at all, how many platters?" He asked. "Uh, I'd say about six will do" I said. "Perfect. Will anyone be booking rooms or do you not know that yet?" He asked. "I'm not to sure about the dates rooms yet but I'll get back to you once I know" I said. "Perfect" He said. "So, just to double check I have everything correct. So you're looking to rent our larger function room for 50 guests for the 18th of November and you want six finger food platters" He said. "Yeah, that's all correct" I said.

"Perfect, I'll email you over an invoice within the next day or two with the price as soon as I work it out and we can go from there, sound good?" He said. "Perfect. I'll talk to you soon" I said. I gave him Alaïa's email address and hung up. "That's the venue booked" I said. "We just need a DJ and photographer now" I said. "We can book that tomorrow, we've done enough tonight" Alaïa said. "I'm going to ring Rook to tell him we have the venue booked" I said, grabbing my phone and walking out to the back garden. I sat in one of the lounge chairs and dialled Rooks number. "Hey babe, is everything okay? I'm on stage soon so I can't talk for long but I'll FaceTime you as soon as I get back to the hotel" He said answering the phone.

"Yeah that's grand, I was just calling to update you on the engagement party" I said. "And I miss hearing your voice" I added. "That's cute gorgeous" He laughed. "So tell me what you have organised for our engagement party?" He said. "We're having it the week after you get home because it's my birthday so rather than having two parties, Alaïa suggested to just have the engagement party and my birthday party on the same day to save money so we have more to spend on the wedding" I said. "We decided to go with a black tie kinda theme to make things more fun" I added. "You just want to see me in a suit" Rook laughed. "And what, can you blame me" I laughed. "I have a thing for suits" I added.

"Babe, I've to go now. We're getting ready to go on stage now, I'll FaceTime you once I get off stage. I love you and I can't wait to marry you" He said. "I love you too" I said, hanging up. "Everything okay?" Megan asked as I walked back into the living room. "Yeah, he's going to FaceTime me later. They're going on stage now" I said. "I didn't get to tell him much so I'll tell him later" I added. "I can't wait to go wedding dress shopping" Alaïa said. "Me too" Megan said. "I can't wait to go bridesmaid dress shopping too" I laughed. "It's going to be so much fun" Megan said. "Do you think I should ask Rooks mom if she wants to come dress shopping with us?" I asked. "It's your day but she might appreciate it" Alaïa said.

Hate to love you//RookxxWhere stories live. Discover now