"It's fine guys, honestly" Alaïa laughed. "You just go and enjoy your night, don't worry about me" She added. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Megan asked as we all got ready to leave. "Positive, I'll catch y'all back in Dani's tomorrow for breakfast or something" She added. "Text me when you get home" I said, hugging her. Since Rook and I weren't public with our relationship yet, we had to be careful that we don't get caught kissing or holding hands, or any form of PDA, when we're out. "Is Alaïa okay? She seemed off earlier" Kells asked. "Yeah she's fine, don't worry about her" I said. We made our way into the club and went straight to the VIP section.

"I'm going to get a drink, want anything?" Rook said. "Just the usual please" I smiled, giving him a quick kiss before making my way down to the dance floor with Megan. "I love this song" I shouted as we danced. "Me too" Megan shouted. We danced for a little while before heading up to the VIP area. "Where were you?" Rook asked as I met him at the entrance to the VIP area. "I was dancing with Megan" I replied as we walked up to where everyone else was sitting. "I tried to find you to give you your drink, I'll get you another one, I'll be back in two minutes" He said. "It's okay" I laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him back down so he was sitting beside me. "You look amazing baby" He said, kissing my forehead.

Around 2am, the club closed and we all made our way back to Alaïa and I's house. "How was your night?" Alaïa asked as we walked into the house. "It was fun, missed you though" I said, sitting beside Alaïa and pulling her in for a hug. "How come you didn't come tonight?" Slim asked. "I didn't really feel too well" She replied. "Are you feeling any better?" Megan asked. "Yeah, I just needed to get some rest" She replied. "I'm glad you're feeling better" Aj said. "Are you excited to graduate in two days?" I asked. "Beyond excited, I can't wait to finish uni" Alaïa grinned. "We've a long day tomorrow setting everything up for the party" I said.

"Who's going to the graduation party?" Alaïa asked. "All of us are going" Kells said. "And whoever else you invited" I said. "I didn't really think to invite anyone else" Alaïa said. "Well then it's all of us" Megan said. "It'll still be a good night" I said. We sat around talking for a while about Alaïa's graduation party and who's going to be doing what when we're setting up before heading to bed. "I'm so excited to finally sleep in a comfortable bed and not have to worry about missing check out" I said as Rook and I walked into my room. "I'm going to change in the bathroom, I'll be two minutes" I said, grabbing one of Rooks tops I robbed while we were on tour and a pair of pyjama shorts.

I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth and wiped my makeup before throwing my hair into a pony walking back into my room. "You're so beautiful" Rook said as we got into my bed. "You're so cheesy" I laughed, kissing him. "But you love me" He laughed. "Someone has to" I smirked. "Oh, we're playing that game now" He smirked, pulling me into him. "We are indeed" I winked. "You're going to pay for that" He said, rolling over so he was on top of me and sitting up so he was looking down at me. "What are you going to do?" I teased. "You're going to regret that" He smirked, tickling me. "Rook, stop" I laughed. "Or what" He said.

"Please" I laughed, squirming as he continued to tickle me. "Am I interrupting something?" Kells said, standing at the door. "Nope" I laughed as Rook got off me. "Are you sure?" Kells laughed. "We were just playing" Rook laughed. "What's up anyways, is everything okay?" I asked, sitting up. "I heard shouting so I came to make sure you're okay" Kells said. "I'm fine Kells, thanks" I laughed. "Night lovebirds" Kells laughed before walking out of my room and closing the door behind him. "So that was interesting" Rook laughed, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him. "It was" I laughed, resting my head on his chest and tracing his tattoos.

"You know what beautiful" Rook said. "What's up?" I asked, looking up at him. "I knew I liked you when I would give you shit and you'd give it right back to me without missing a beat" He said, looking down at me.  "But I knew I loved you when you saved my ass from your crazy sister in law's psycho sister at your brothers rehearsal dinner even though we hated each other" He added, kissing me. "Did you just say you love me?" I asked. "I did indeed baby" He smiled. "I love you" He said, kissing me. "I love you too" I said. "I'm going to marry you one day" He said, kissing me. "You're such a cringe" I laughed.

Rook was like one of those guys that acted tough around his friends and in public but in private he was the sweetest, most gentle person ever. "You look tired baby" Rook said. "I am" I yawned, stretching before going back to tracing his tattoos. "Then go to sleep" He laughed, running his fingers up and down my back gently. "I think I might" I said, cuddling into him. "What time is it?" I asked. "5am" Rook said, checking his phone for the time. "Is that a picture of me?" I asked, taking his phone out of his hand and looking at his lock screen. "Hey, I've an extremely beautiful girlfriend, can you blame me for showing her off?" He asked, laughing. "You're lucky I love you" I laughed, kissing him.

"We should really get some sleep though, we're up soon to get the house organised for the graduation party" I said. "Or we can do something else" Rook smirked, pulling me into him and kissing me. "What is it that you have in mind" I said, kissing him. "I think you know" He smirked. "If I knew, would I ask?" I said. "Then let me show you" He smirked, flipping me over so he was on top and kissing me. "Before we continue, are you sure you want to do this?" Rook asked. "Because if you don't, it's okay. I want our first time to be special" He added. "As turned on as I am right now, we should really get some sleep" I said, kissing him.

"That's completely okay baby" He said, kissing me and rolling over so that he was lying beside me. "I love you" I said, kissing him. "I love you too" He said. I laid my head on his chest and traced his tattoos as he ran his fingers up and down my back. "Thank you" I said. "For what?" Rook asked. "For being you" I said. "Anything to keep you happy babe" He said. "I'm happy with how things worked out between us" I said. "And I'm the cringey one" He laughed. "Oh shut up" I laughed, playfully hitting his chest. "I'm happy with how things worked out between us too" He said, kissing my forehead. "Let's get some sleep babe" He said. "Goodnight handsome" I said, cuddling into him. "Goodnight beautiful" she replied, kissing my forehead.

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