What Happened In Paris

Start from the beginning

"What!" I yelled in shock.

"Rai, I don't know what to do! I tried to find his phone but the locator is off! His truck is gone, his money is gone! Everything is gone!"

"Siren, hold on one moment."

I remember quickly putting her on mute and quickly yelling: "Schwoz!"

After filling in the foreign scientist in on the situation. He immediately went to the computers, quickly trying to launch Henry's tracker, hoping that it would tell us where he was. Instead, it read that it was at Henry's house.

"Rai, something is attached to Henry's lamp."

"Is it super small, black and rectangular?" I remember asking.


"Siren, there's something I need to tell you. Henry has run away and it's my fault."


"Henry is Kid Danger."

"You're joking."

"I'm not. For the last five years, Henry has been Kid Danger, and I think it's finally caught up to him."

"You think he's been kidnapped?" Siren gasped, her worried voice making my heart ache. It wasn't the most pleasant experience to explain to a worried mother that her son had run away and had been lying to her for nearly five years.

"No, nothing of the sort, I think he's finally decided that it's too much and he left."

There was more to the conversation, but that was all I cared to remember now. It hurt hearing Siren cry. It hurt seeing the betrayed faces of Charlotte, Jasper, Piper and Schwoz, and it hurt even more remembering that Henry just left.

- flashback -

Charlotte came down the elevator first. "Hey Rai, what's up?"

Where would I even begin? Oh yeah, hey Charlotte, Henry's gone and I don't think he's coming back. How's your morning going though? You could see my predicament.

"I, uh, well you see, uh, can we wait for the others?" I asked hopefully.

Charlotte gave me a calculating and bewildered look before responding, "Uh, sure?"

She settled on the couch, pulling a book from her bag, though I could tell she wasn't reading it as she was taking a considerably long time to turn a page.

Next was Jasper, he bounded from the elevator, seemingly happy about something or another. "Hey guys! What's up?" He asked.

"With me? Nothing. With Rai? Something, he just won't tell us until Schwoz comes from wherever he is in the Man Cave and Piper and Henry arrive." At the mention of my - former? - sidekick's name, my heart clenched. He wouldn't be arriving, I'm not even sure when I would see him again.

"Suspicious." Jasper joked.

"Maybe he's going to pitch the Man Cave amusement park idea again." Charlotte snickered.

Jasper laughed. "Or maybe he's going to get another obnoxious painting done of himself."

"Or maybe he's finally going on vacation." Charlotte guessed.

As they laughed and spit theories, I felt my heart clench in sadness. Seeing them happy made me remember how sad they were going to be, it broke my heart. Because what was the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later? The answer was, of course, because they would be sad later.

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