Anything else he says though is lost on me, for finally, darkness envelopes my like an old friend snuffing out all my senses. 

- time skip - 

The first time I woke up, all I could feel was intense pain. Schwoz was working around me in a fast blurry frenzy. Rai was yelling something frantically and Jasper and Charlotte were pressing bandages to my neck. I briefly heard Piper yelling that I was awake. Jasper and Charlotte were staring down at me with panicked eyes and telling me reassurances that I couldn't make out. 

I closed my eyes letting the warm darkness overtake me once more. 

- time skip - 

The second time I woke up, I thought I was going to pass out then and there, but I figured, I'd probably been out for a while, I should put my friends' minds at ease. So, slowly, I opened my eyes before shutting them again at the bright lights. Slowly, preparing myself this time, I open them again. 

Charlotte, who was sitting on an uncomfortable looking chair to my right, seemed to have noticed that I was awake because she smiled at me. "Hey." She says softly, glistening tears brim her eyes. Charlotte's normally carefully styled hair was pulled back in a rather frizzy, messy bun that hadn't been made with much care. 

I feel a squeeze on my left hand. My gaze travels to the source to see Piper sitting to my left. She had a look on her face that she tried to play off as unconcerned and uncaring, but underneath the mask, I could see the relief and worry. While she tried to appear uncaring, I could see her knuckles were red from biting, something Piper did when she was stressed. 

Beside my sister was Jasper who was sat down but in a very tense position, unlike his normal demeanour. His fingers were drumming against his leg. Sitting beside him was Rai who had changed into his normal clothes, but he looked like hell. He had obviously been crying. 

I blink sluggishly, feeling very, very  tired and weak. I try to respond with a 'Hey.' back, but before I even opened my mouth, Schwoz cut in, coming into my field of vision; "Don't speak, you need to rest your throat. It was pretty damaged from the attacked artery, your vocal cords took a lot of damage. We have no idea the extent of the damage yet. Blink twice if you understand. Blink once if you don't." 

Slowly, I blink twice in a row. 

"Good." Piper breathed, sounding relieved. 

"Ok, Henry, I'm going to ask you a few questions, alright? Just your basic four alert and oriented questions. Do you think you can stay awake for that? I promise you can go back to sleep when they are done, ok?" 

I didn't know how Schwoz knew how close I was to passing out again, but I was grateful that there would only be four questions. So, sluggishly, I blink twice. 

"Do you know your name?" The pseudo doctor asks. 

I shakily bring up my right hand and sign my name with the sign language alphabet Charlotte had made us learn. H-E-N-R-Y  H-A-R-T

"Good. Do you know where you are?" 

M-A-N  C-A-V-E.

"Excellent. Do you know what day it is?" 

F-R-I-D-A-Y, J-U-L-Y  T-E-N-T-H. 

"Great, that's great, just one more now, do you know what happened?" 

S-L-I-T  T-H-R-O-A-T. 

"Ok good, you can go back to sleep now Henry." Schwoz tells me with a worried smile. 

"You'll be ok Kid." Rai says kindly. 

So, I let my eyes drift close. 

- time skip - 

Henry Danger Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें