Sleep Would Be Good

Start from the beginning

And I did just that, I finished the journals by five in the morning and went to bed in the guest. I didn't sleep, but at least I rested.

- time skip -

At seven I got up and started to work. Rai and Schwoz woke up at eight.

"Early start kid?" Rai mused. "I saw you crashed here."

I just nodded and continued to read the file on the victims. I tuned out Rai's laugh and barely managed to greet the rest of the team as they came in.

In an hour, we would learn that our criminal had turned himself in at the SVPD before committing suicide in the cell, something about how he felt guilty and didn't deserve to live. I don't know, I'm tired.

The team disbanded, all heading off to chill. I remained at the desk, feeling like I'd been run over. Instead of talking with the team and alerting them just how dead I was, I take a quick sip of coffee that had long ago gone cold, I started plowing through police reports, looking for anything that was Captain Man and Kid Danger worthy.

- time skip -

I didn't realise how long I was working until Rai came up and tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to actually jump.

"Yikes, sorry kid." Rai apologised. "I hate to do this, I know it's late," I look around, only now realising everyone else had gone or in Schwoz's case, gone to sleep, "but I was hoping you'd proof read the official report for me. You know I can't spell and I turned off autocorrect."

I blink at him. "Why would you turn off autocorrect?" I ask with a mixture of curiosity, flabbergast and general annoyance.

"It was always putting red squiggles under my words."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "That's because they are spelt wrong Rai."

"Will you proof read it or not?"

I inhale sharply, on one hand, I was exhausted, on the other, if I didn't do this now, I'd have to deal with it tomorrow. "Fine." I relent.

"Thank you!" Rai scampered off to get ready for bed.

I stared at the paper for who knows how long. I knew I had to get this done. If I didn't get this done, the SVPD couldn't do their jobs.


Oh great, now I'm hearing voices. If I didn't already know that hallucinations were a symptom of lack of sleep, I would have been concerned.


Wow. My mind was really working overtime on these hallucinations, the voice really sounded like Rai.


Ok, yeah, that's Rai. My head snapped up and I blinked away the little black dots in my vision that made me feel like I was on a merry-go-round. Rai had somehow snuck up on me, ok maybe he didn't sneak up on me, but he was right next to the desk. Rai was looking at me with light worry in his eyes.

"Hey kid, you alright? I've been calling for you, but you were kinda zoned out." Rai explains. "I was just coming to tell you to go to bed."

"I..." I swallowed repeatedly, rapidly blinking to keep everything in focus. I needed to tell Rai that I couldn't go to bed yet, I needed to finish the writeup so the SVPD could do their jobs. I couldn't let them down because I was tired.

Rai's eyes widened with concern and his features softened slightly at my obvious struggle. "Kid? Henry? I mean this as a friend, but man, you look like living hell."

The desk was swimming, actually the whole room was. I stood up, only for the room to sway. OK maybe I was swaying. I couldn't stop until finally my body decided to call it quits.

"What the-" Rai started but easily caught me as I collapsed to the floor. The last thing I heard before slipping into the darkness was Rai practically screaming for Schwoz.

- time skip -

What the hell happened? When did get on the couch? I scrubbed at my eyes. I moved a bit on the couch but before I could fall I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Rai's concerned eyes.

"What happened?" I groan.

"You passed out kid." Rai informs me.

"Oh." I sigh, closing my eyes again, right now I couldn't care less.

"No, no, no, eat this." Schwoz orders, pushing a protein bar in my hands.

I grimace. "I'm good."

"Oh no, you don't get a choice. I ran a scan and your blood sugar is dangerously low, it's a wonder you didn't pass out before now, and it says you are severely sleep deprived. What the heck is up with that?" Schwoz accused.

"I'm not that hungry." Lie. I was hungry, but the thought of eating turned my stomach.

Schwoz sighed before taking the protein bar back and unwrapping it, shoving it back into my hands. "Either eat it of your own free will or Rai will force you to eat it."

Relenting, I take a bite, and then another, and before I realise anything, the bar was gone. It tasted like heaven.

"What the hell happened Hen?" Rai asked.

"Answer Rai please." Schwoz ordered, putting on his best doctors voice.

"I guess my blood sugar was little low because I hadn't eaten today."

"Liar. If it was just today, you wouldn't have past out." Schwoz informed us.

"I guess I just got distracted. It might have been longer, but I'm not exactly sure. I mean I had paperwork to finish today and I stayed up all night last night to the j-journals read and...I'm tired."

I see Schwoz and Rai share a look of worry.

"It's alright kid, everyone gets tired. You are allowed to take breaks. You work hard and by the sound of it, you don't take enough breaks, even though you are more than welcome to."

"You have nothing to prove. You are one of a kind and you do amazing work, just take a break next time." Schwoz said kindly. "But I am ordering you to take a few days off to catch up on sleep and eating. Do I make myself clear?"

I nod my head yes.

"Good, now go crash in your room." Rai orders.

I don't remember getting to my bed, but I do remember sleeping peacefully for the first time in months. Maybe a break wouldn't be so bad.

So how was it? I'm very tired and should probably go to sleep, so goodnight.


Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now