Rick Pond slowly edged me towards the edge of the dock. The pain was fire under my skin. I quickly glance at the dark and murky depths, only unfrozen because of the waves.

"Look mate, can't we just tal-" 

Rick Pond pushed me in. 

 I barely had a chance to clamp my mouth shut before I hit the water. The moment I made contact with the water, every muscle froze up in my body. The cold soaked to my bones instantly, not bothering to waste time. It sent a numbness up my spine, so cold that it burned, it coursed through every nerve in my body. 

I knew I was supposed to move. I needed  to move towards the surface of the water, but it was like every part of my body had frozen. It could have been seconds since I'd been submerged, or it could have been hours, I couldn't tell you, but finally, my brain kicked into gear. I flailed my arms in fear, trying to push my way to the surface of the treacherous water. 

My leg was killing me, and with that, I couldn't kick. This wasn't going very well. By any luck, Rick Pond had already made his escape and Rai was still trying to apprehend him, or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was calling out my alter ego's name, unaware that I was drowning. He'd assume I'd been kidnapped by Rick Pond and rush back to the Man Cave to consult the gang on my whereabouts. Schwoz would track me, only to find that I hadn't moved very far from the docks. Rai would come back and find my body, drowned.

No, this was silly. I wasn't going to die here. I couldn't! I desperately try to claw my way to the surface. Finally, my head breaks the surface. I suck in a deep breath of fresh, but very, very, cold air. I look around frantically and see the dock, only a little ways away. I swim using only my arms and one leg to the dock, though the movements were slow and sluggish. I was slowly losing feeling in my body. My body was becoming relaxed, however, my mind was not. 

My mind was racing with panic. I couldn't die here. I had to keep moving. I inch my way to the dock, trying to keep my head above water. I grip the side of the dock desperately. The pavement was cold, broken and slick with water, making it nearly impossible to keep ahold of. I tried my best to haul myself up onto the concrete, but with each passing second, my body was growing colder and colder, numbing me out from the tips of my toes to my hairline. I felt limp. The cold air was biting into my exposed skin and soaking uniform. 

I could feel my lungs begin to burn, it was only then did I realise that my head had gone back under water. I pull it up with great effort. My legs were almost completely numb - I couldn't even feel my bullet wound anymore - and it was getting harder and harder to make my arms move. 

I reached up and took ahold of what appeared to be a chain, which, ironically, was supposed to stop people from falling over the dock. I dragged all my strength from inside me and forced my other arm to take ahold of the chain. I dragged my head fully above water. It was so cold that it burned. I felt like someone had lit a fire inside my brain. My breathing attempts turned to coughing attacks. I was coughing so hard that I was sinking back into the icy depths. 

I could barely keep myself above the water line. My arms were shaking and my hands were burning with the cold. I couldn't haul myself onto the dock, this was it. No. I had to at least try. 

I grit my teeth and use every ounce of strength I have left in my body to attempt to pull my body out of the water. 

I couldn't. My body weighed a million pounds, and I... I just didn't have the strength. I was going to fall back into the water. I was going to die. I didn't want to die here. It wasn't right. I hadn't even graduated. There was so much I had to do. Though there was a beauty to dying here. I wasn't in pain anymore. The air didn't bite my skin anymore. I had lost feeling in my legs and arms. I don't know how I was still holding onto the chain. My heart was beating slowly. I wasn't in pain. 

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