Chapter Fifteen

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Paisley... loves me? From what she just said, it seems she's been in love with me since we were kids. I sit here dumbfounded. The way she always treated me, so cold and heartless, made me think she didn't actually like me. Was that her way of masking her true feelings?

Hazel showed up a few minutes ago. She was shocked to see Paisley crying so much. She asked me what did I do, but I didn't answer. I couldn't find my voice. Paisley spoke up and said it wasn't my fault though. Even though she's hurting, she still protects me. I'm the root of her pain. Why did I not see this coming? The thought crossed my mind earlier when we talked. Hearing her actually speak the words "I love you" made me realize how surreal it was.

Hazel took Paisley home. I'm still sitting in the bookstore. I can't think of what to do. I honestly never looked at Paisley that way. She's more like a sister than anything else. Plus, I know Asher liked her for a while, and with his reaction to hearing Miles like her, I have no doubt he still does. Dang it, I don't know what to do! I don't want to hurt her. I know this changes everything. I doubt we will ever be back to normal.

"Hey, Beau, what are you doing?" I look up and see Asher, Nolan, and Miles staring at me like I'm some weirdo. I know that's what I look like.

"Are you alright? Where's Hazel and Paisley?" Asher asks. I look down. I can't tell him that Paisley told me she loves me. I'm still processing it to be honest.

"Beau, you don't look so good. Did something happen?" Miles asks. I just keep looking down. I don't think I could mask how I'm feeling. Knowing me, I would spill the truth as soon as I see Asher's face. I can't do that to him.

"Come on man. Why are you ignoring us?" Nolan asks. I sigh.

"Sorry guys. I don't really feel like talking." I say while still looking down.

"That's so unlike you Beau. What happened? You know you can always count on us to be here for you." Asher says. Don't say that. If you knew the truth, you wouldn't be saying that Asher.

"Did something happen with Hazel again?" Nolan asks.

"Or with Paisley?" Miles asks. My eyes go wide. Why would he think that? I know he's right, but to ask that seems ridiculous.

"Dude, Beau and Paisley have hardly been in a fight. They give each other a hard time, but that's it." Asher says. I can't stand this. I should tell them. That way I can get out of here and figure out how I'm feeling.

"Guys, I have surprising news. I'm still comprehending it." I say. I look up. They're all staring at me.

"Okay. Can you tell us where the girls are first?" Asher says.

"They went home." I say. Asher raises his eyebrow.

"What? Weren't you going to see a movie as well?" He asks. We were, but this day turned into crap.

"That's not possible at the moment." I say. Asher kneels down in front of me.

"Beau, you're scaring me. What happened?" He asks. I look him in the eyes.

"Paisley told me she loved me." I say bluntly. Asher stares at me. He looks like he got the life sucked right out of him. Nolan just stands there in shock.

"No way. Beau, you're lying." Miles says. I look at him. He looks angry.

"Why would I lie about that?" I say as I get up.

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