Chapter Two

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I just stare at this gorgeous human being with my mouth wide open. He chuckles.

"I take it you don't recognize me? Maybe this will jog your memory." He leans over his desk and gives me a kiss on my nose. I gasp. He smiles.

"I knew that would do the trick. Long time no see huh?" He says.

"I-I-I can't believe it! Beau Winters!" I say way too excitedly. He just chuckles. I reach over to give him a hug. He hugs me back.

"Do I look that different Hazel?" Beau asks. I just stare at him and nod my head yes. He laughs.

"Well, it has been three years." He says.

"Yea it has. How come you're back here in Sky Falls?" I ask. He looks at me.

"Well, do you want me to be honest or make it up?" He asks. I play punch him in the arm.

"What do you think dummy?" I say laughing. He chuckles.

"I figured you hadn't changed. Well, the reason is simple actually." He pauses and looks at me. I just stare at him anxiously.

"I moved back here because I missed you." He says. My eyes go wide. My cheeks start burning up.

"Uhhh, what? Ummm..." I say while looking down. He starts laughing. I look up at him dumbfounded.

"Oh my. Still as gullible as ever, huh Hazel?" He says smiling. I just stare at him, showing no emotion on my face.

"Oh, come on Hazel. You knew I was joking right?" Beau asks. I look straight ahead and get ready for science to start. I notice Asher walks in and goes to his seat by his buddies. He doesn't even notice Beau. Suddenly, I feel air in my ear. I twitch then hear chuckling. I look at Beau. He's giving me a smirk.

"You're too easy to pick on. I missed it so much." He says. I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh? So, you really did miss me?" I say. My heart continues to beat fast. I never felt this way with Beau before. Is it because we're older now? Beau caresses my face and I am completely frozen.

"Of course, I missed you Hazel. I know I said I didn't, but I panicked. You're just so beautiful now, I'm not sure how to react whenever I look at you." Beau says in a low voice. I get chills. I blink as soon as he lets go. He's smiling at me.

"Okay class, time to start." Mrs. Louise says. I'm not sure how to feel right now. I glance at Beau and he's looking ahead. I sigh. I have so much to tell Paisley after this.


"WHAT!?" Paisley yells. I flinch.

"Uh, yea. Beau's back." I say. She just stares at me like I'm crazy.

"Hazel. Are you dreaming? You must be. Wake up already!" She says shaking me.

"Paisley, I am awake!" I squeak out. She stops and sits beside me.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe this." She says. I nod my head in agreement. Paisley and I have been best friends since third grade. Well, it wasn't just us two. It was Paisley, me, and Beau. We were like the three musketeers. We were inseparable. Until the fifth grade when Beau had to move to Nevada. Paisley and I were devasted, but we made it. That's when Asher started hanging out with us more. It was cool, but I think he mainly did it because he had a crush on Paisley. I think he still does, but Paisley is oblivious. Asher is one of the popular guys, so now that we've been in high school, he doesn't hang around as often. Which I totally understand. Now that Beau's back though...

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