Chapter Three

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"Mr. Akira?" I ask. Mr. Akira smiles. Beau just stares at him.

"How are you? Did you have a good rest of your day?" He asks. I nod my head yes. Mr. Akira takes a seat across from us. Beau is still staring at Mr. Akira.

"That's good to hear. Don't forget the homework tonight. Tomorrow, I will assign partners." Mr. Akira says. I smile.

"I won't. Uh, would it be okay if I can be partners with Paisley?" I ask. Mr. Akira chuckles.

"I believe you ask me that every time I assign partners. We'll see." He says. I nod my head. Beau clears his throat. Mr. Akira looks his way.

"Oh, who is this young man?" Mr. Akira asks. I start to open my mouth when Beau beats me to it.

"I'm Beau Winters. Just moved back to Sky Falls." He says, holding out his hand. Mr. Akira shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Beau. What grade are you in?" He asks. I decide to look out the window.

"I'm a freshman. I'm pretty sure I'm in your class." Beau says while taking out his schedule.

"I remember there was word about a new student. You didn't show up though." Mr. Akira says. Beau nods his head.

"Yea, my family is still in the process of unpacking, so my parents wanted me to help with that. I only came for last period." Beau says. I look at him.

"So what period is math? That's what Mr. Akira teaches." I say. Beau looks at his schedule.

"Ah, right after lunch." He says. I smile.

"Wow really? That's when I have math!" I say. Beau smiles.

"Whoa awesome. So, there's two classes we have together." He says. I smile.

"Ah. Lovely. Well, Hazel, I believe you should be partners with Beau this time. I bet Paisley wouldn't mind." Mr. Akira says. I look at him while my face starts turning red.

"But, uh, Mr. Akira, aa-rre you sure?" I stutter. Beau chuckles.

"I think that's a great idea! I struggle in math, so I have no doubt you can help me out Hazel." Beau says smiling.

"Then it's settled. I'll see you two tomorrow." Mr. Akira says smiling. He gets up and gets off the train. I sit there dumbfounded.

"Wow. Mr. Akira is really young. He seems cool though." Beau says. I continue sitting there, not sure what to do or say.

"Uh, Hazel?" Beau asks. I look at Beau.

"Um. Yes?" I ask quietly. Beau smiles.

"What are you doing Saturday?" He asks. Oh no, is he asking me out?

"Umm. I don't think I have any plans..." I say looking down. Beau grabs my hand. I still don't look at him. My heart is about to explode.

"Hazel, if that's the case, let's go on a date!" He says. That's it. My heart is in pieces. I look up at him. Beau is staring at me intently.

"Oh, uh, Beau, I'm not sure-" Beau interrupts me by putting his finger over my mouth. My face probably looks like a cherry!

"I knew you were going to turn me down. But Hazel, if you're single, then why not? What are you scared of?" Beau says. I puff out my cheeks. Beau chuckles.

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