Chapter Twelve

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I stop and stare at Hazel. She's right at the gate, staring at me. Her face looks pale.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. She doesn't sound as lifeless as she did earlier.

"Asher, Paisley, and I were going to search for you." I say. She gives me a small smile.

"That's sweet. I'm sorry I didn't contact any of you. I just had to deal with something." She says. She opens the gate, but I stop her.

"Hazel. What is Mr. Akira to you?" I ask. Ever since earlier, I can't shake the feeling that something is going on between them.

"Um, he is my teacher. What kind of a question is that?" She asks while looking at me. I just stare at her. Her hazel eyes are still not shining. She looks away.

"Beau, I meant what I said earlier. I think you should really consider it." She says, then goes inside the gate. I follow her. Asher and Paisley come out of the house.

"Hazel?" Paisley asks. They both run over to her. Asher hugs her.

"Sis, where have you been?" He asks. She smiles.

"Nowhere important. I'm fine though, so no need to worry." She says. Asher sighs. Paisley stays silent.

"I guess I'll go home now." I say. They all look at me.

"No way man. My mom said it's cool if ya'll stay over." Asher says. My eyes go wide. Seriously? A sleep over?

"Oh, how fun! Just like old times." Hazel says smiling. Although she is smiling, I'm pretty sure she isn't meaning it.

"Right, well, let's go in Hazel." Paisley says as she grabs Hazel's hand and drags her inside.

"I'm glad she decided to come back." Asher says.

"I have to be honest Asher." I say. He looks at me.

"I'm pretty sure something is going on between Hazel and Mr. Akira. She denied it of course, but the feeling I have is too strong. I know Paisley knows something too. I'm going to figure it out." I say. Asher smiles.

"That's just like you man. You could never leave anything alone if it involves my sister. I'm not going to stop you, so I'll help too." He says. I smile.

"Thanks man. Let's go in. It's freezing." I say. Asher laughs. We both walk inside. Asher and Hazel's mom is the kitchen doing the dishes. I guess Hazel and Paisley are already upstairs.

"Hello Beau. It's so good to see you." Mrs. Moonlight says. I smile.

"Nice to see you. It has been awhile." I say.

"It sure has. I'm glad you moved back. How are your parents doing?" She asks.

"They're fine. I actually need to tell them I'm staying over. Are you sure it's okay, Mrs. Moonlight?" I ask. She smiles.

"Of course. You are always welcome." She says, then continues doing the dishes. Asher is at the stairs waiting for me. I follow him up to his room while I text my mom.

"Is the floor okay with you? I can let you sleep on my bed if you want." He says as we enter his room. I shrug.

"Nah, the floor is fine man." I say. I sit on one of his game chairs.

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