Chapter One

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Hazel Moonlight

"Excuse me, you're in front of my locker." Mason Cory says. I look at him while my face turns red.

"Oh, uh, I, um my bad." I finally spit out. I move out of the way and stand by my best friend, Paisley Shu, whose locker is right by Mason's. Paisley shakes her head and tries hard not to smile. I stare at my feet because I cannot make eye contact with Mason. I repeat CANNOT.

"You know, I feel like I've seen you before. Are you a freshman?" Mason asks. My heart starts beating. I slowly look up at him. My heart suddenly stops.

"Yea I am. I've only been in this district for two years though." Some random girl says while giggling. I roll my eyes. I'm suddenly being dragged away. I see Paisley dragging me to our next class.

"Hazel, you seriously need to get over that guy. You and Mason would never work. I'm sorry to say, but it's true." She says while we enter the classroom for our Math class. I sigh as we sit down.

"I know. I just can't help myself. Every time he speaks to me, my heart just beats so fast and when he looks at me, it's like I'm staring into a forest with lush trees." I say, dreaming of Mason. Paisley laughs. I snap out of it and roll my eyes.

"You're just jealous because you don't have anyone to daydream about." I say, getting out my notebook. Paisley does the same.

"You know what, I believe you're right Hazel." We both laugh. We have been best friends since third grade. Now we're both freshman in high school. I actually was all by myself, because talking to people have never been my specialty. I'm the exact opposite of my...

"Yo! Hazel, Paisley!" Asher sits down right in front of us. We sit in the very back of the classroom.

"Asher, do you have to be so loud?" Paisley asks. I laugh. Asher frowns.

"Oh, come on Paisley. You're actually happy that I'm here right?" Asher says. Asher is my twin brother. We're exact opposites. We look somewhat alike for being twins, but I'm the shy, socially awkward one, and Asher is the popular, outgoing one. He never ignores me at school though, which makes me feel happy.

"Keep telling yourself that." Paisley says in a monotone voice. I open my notebook to where we left off last week.

"Hazel, can you come to the front please?" Mr. Akira says. I tense up. Why me? I slowly stand up and head to the front. I try to ignore everyone's looks. Once I get to Mr. Akira's desk, he's smiling at me. My heart skips a beat. Mr. Akira is actually around twenty-four years old. To say he isn't good looking would be a lie.

"Hazel, would you do me a favor? Can you pass these papers out to the class please?" He asks. I take a deep breath. I nod my head yes and give a faint smile. Mr. Akira just continues smiling at me. I turn around and everyone is talking to their neighbors. I sigh. Everyone isn't paying attention to me. Thank you, Lord!

"Alright class, time to simmer down. Hazel will be returning the weekly quiz we had last week. I would like all of you to go ahead and start on bell work why she is doing that." Mr. Akira says. As I'm passing out the quizzes, not a single person says thank you. It is so irritating. I try not to pay attention to people's scores, because it isn't my business, but when Mason Cory's paper shows up, I'm in shock. He made a sixty-nine? I thought Mason Cory was one of the smartest guys in our class. Oh well, none of my business. I go to give Mason his paper when I suddenly trip on someone's foot.

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