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This book is not edited but if you see any mistakes, notify me and I will make the change. Thank you !

The blissful voice of Luke Bryan fills the car and I can't help but ask my mom to turn the radio up. When she does, my sister, Paris and I begin to sing loudly to Luke Bryan. We don't have the best voices but that doesn't stop us as we bellow like a couple of screeching cats. My mother just laughs as our eyes meet in the rear view mirror.

"Are we there yet?" Paris ask as the song comes to an end along with our terrible screaming which we call "singing". A feeling of eager is detected in her tone which mirrors exactly what I am feeling deep down.

"No sweetheart" Mom answers with a smile plastered on her face.

A sigh escapes both of our mouths. We look to each other and simultaneously roll our eyes before turning back to our windows. I watch as cars zoom pass us just as fast as we pass the hundreds of trees that surround the highway. The sun shines brightly in the clear, blue sky. This weather is just another sign that today is going to be a great day.

Paris and I have grown impatient considering we have been in this car for almost three hours. We can't believe that we are heading to a place where dreams come true. My sister and I have been dying to visit Disney World for years. It's finally happening and we are this close of actually completing one of my wishes. My other wish is to go sky diving but I'm beginning to think that it shouldn't be on my list. The idea of jumping off a helicopter way up in the sky just to come back down is starting to scare me. I use to think the thrill would give me the best high ever but I have come to the conclusion that my life is worth more than the thrill.

The sound of my mother's phone ringing in her purse that sits on the passenger seat pulls me away from the window. It doesn't take a genius to know that it is her work that is calling. My mom works for the government so she is always busy. I would've thought that maybe once, just once they would let her take some time off. Paris and I don't get days like this where it's just the three of us together doing something fun. Mom is always working and I know she can see that it hurts us that we don't see her much. It's hard being a single parent, raising twin daughters but she makes it look easy sometimes.

"Mom, do you want me to get it?" I offer to help her because I know she is struggling to retrieve the phone that is somewhere in her purse.

"No, I got it." She smiles at me in the rearview mirror. "But thank you, honey." My mom is digging in her purse for the phone that is still ringing. She keeps her eyes on the road the whole time.

My mom has been a safe driver for as long as I remembered. She is the woman who will call 9-1-1 if she notices a driver driving drunk. She never got a ticket. She followed the rules. She played on the safe side and I liked that about her. She made sure everybody around her stayed safe. I play on the safe side too unlike my sister. Paris isn't a troublemaker but she also isn't a saint. She's outgoing and nice. She never turns down the opportunity to do crazy things. For example, there was that one night where she sneaked out of the house to go with an older high school boy that rode a motorcycle. It was crazy if u asked me. Paris is the well known twin that everybody likes and is fun to be around. I, on the other hand, is the quiet, closed off twin that would rather sit alone than with a group. Socializing was never my thing but to me, that's not a bad thing.

My mom finally turns her head for a second grabbing her phone but that second must have been too long.

"Mom! Watch th-" Paris' words were cut short.


Everything went black. I knew we had been in an accident. I knew right when I saw the swerving delivery truck coming right at us that something was bound to happen. It was in the wrong lane. My mom tried to swerve off to the side of the road but it couldn't stop the the truck from colliding with the driver's side of our car. Just like that, we were sent into a ditch.

My eyes flutter open, my vision a little blurry but enough to see the front of our car is jammed into a tree. "Mom? Paris?" I cry out in agony.

I get no answer and my head starts to swirl with thoughts. I try to push the negative thoughts away but it's hard. My head hurts terribly and I know something is wrong. I lightly touch my head, wincing. I pull my hand away only for it to be covered in blood–my blood. My head is bleeding and if I could guess, I would say it's bleeding bad. I must have struck my head hard when we hit the tree. The impact must have been severe if I am bleeding.

Panic rises within me, echoing through my body like the vibration of a guitar string. My adrenaline begins to rush and my heart begins to pound in my chest. They say to remain calm in these type of situations but I'm utterly failing at it. I believe I am having what most call a panic attack.

"Mom?" My shaking hand covers my mouth, "Oh my gosh!" Slowly the tears  fall down my face.

I can't take my eyes off this terrifying image. Resting on the steering wheel's air bag is my mother with a bloody gash on her forehead. Her eyes that were once filled with life and brightness are frozen open, filled with nothing but death and darkness. It was then that I realized my mother is gone.

I shake my head, "No, no, no" I cry out, squeezing my eyes shut to block out the picture imprinted in my mind.

I look to the right and see my sister with her head against the cracked window. Bits of dark red stains her golden blonde hair and I can only guess she is suffering from a head injury. Her eyes are closed, looking almost peaceful. I notice the dried tears that paint her pale face.

I can't lose you too, Paris.

I struggle with my seat buckle, trying to get out of it. "Come on, come on." I growl, shaking the buckle, praying it releases me. It takes a few tries to unbuckle myself. I scoot closer to Paris, desperate to know that she is okay. I shake her vigorously, calling her name as loud as I can. I get nothing, no sign of movement or anything that says she is still here with me.

The pounding in my head grows louder and heavier as the seconds past. I cry in pain, squeezing my head in my hands. "Make it stop!"

The struggle to keep my eyes open hits me like a hurricane, draining me of every ounce of energy I have left. I find myself succumbing to the idea of sleeping. The only thing I can hear are the sounds of sirens calling from a distance. They were close and I only hoped that they were close enough to save me on time.


This is the first time I'm actually posting my work on Wattpad. I had this story on my phone but it was short. I decided to actually edit it to make it longer and then post it online. Please leave me some comments about anything. I would love to hear the feedback and opinions. I hope you like this story as much as I did.


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