||Chapter 7||

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The last time I talked to Tanner was a couple of days ago when I showed up at his house only to run away from him leaving him kicking trash cans over.

I have been purposely ignoring him which I think he is aware of. He hasn't pushed me to talk to him nor has he been his usual talking tom self during English. We don't talk to each other despite being partners. I am happy that he is giving me space but a little part of me isn't happy. I don't know how to explain it.

Paris hasn't brought up my bruises, keeping her promise to allow me to come to her when I am ready. I don't think I will ever be ready. I don't want her to know what really happens outside her sheltered world.

Willow has her arm wrapped around mine as we walk the school hall, ready to leave. She is going on about some cute tech boy that she met at the library where she works on weekends. One of the computers at the library crashed and he was sent to fix it.

"I mean, should I ask Logan out for coffee or should I wait for him to make the first move?"

We approach my locker and Willow unhooks her arm from mine moving to lean against the lockers. I swap out my books in my hand for my math book that I will need tonight.

Thanks Mr. Ives for the twenty question math homework.

I peek my head out of my locker, "Step up the game. How about you make the first move? It doesn't have to always be the guy, Willow."

I hear her groan, "I know, I know. It's just I don't want to get shot down."

I shut my locker, giving her a look that basically says 'Are you serious?' I shake my head, "Willow, if this boy has a brain, he wouldn't dare say no to you."

She smiles, the twinkle in her blue eyes shining. Somehow her arm finds it's way back to mine giving it a tight squeeze. "And this is why you are my best friend."

"What would you do wi-"

My sentence is cut short by the stern call of my full name. "Peyton Long."

Willow and I turn around to see the school's police officer standing there. He is a middle aged man towering at a height of possibly six feet that goes by Officer Kalowski. Just the sight of him intimidates me sometimes. I mean the man is require to carry a gun for his job. Who wouldn't be intimidated?

I slowly turn my head to Willow who is already looking at me. Our faces reflect each other. We are both looking at each other with widen eyes filled with worry and shock.

"I am going to need you to come with me this instant, Miss." Officer Kalowski's voice breaks us out of our trance.

Willow steps close to me, engulfing me in a hug, "You didn't kill Tanner, did you?" She whispers in my ear.

I am too nervous to even laugh at her absurd comment. "N-no. I don't know what is happening."

Willow pulls away, flashing a reassuring smile that does nothing to reassure me. "Just call me later, okay?"

I nod my head before watching her walk away leaving me to deal with whatever is coming.

Kalowski tells me to follow him and I do exactly what is asked of me. I realize he is taking me towards the front doors of the school.

"Ms. Long, I am going to need you to remain calm but there has been an emergency."

Nothing is ever good when someone says to remain calm. You can't tell someone to remain calm in moments like that.

I'm speechless, unable to talk. Officer Kalowski realizes my inability to talk right now. He nods his head, continuing. "Um, your sister has just been rushed to the hospital—"

"W-what? What do you mean she's being rushed to the hospital?" I start to panic, my heart pounding. "I have to go to her." I go to exit the door but the officer places a hand on my shoulder.

Anxiety level is starting to rise, sir. Please remove your hand. It's not helping.

"I'll take you there. It's the least I can do. I can't imagine what you are going through." He doesn't remove his hand though, "But I need to inform you that your sister collapsed today in school..." He stops as if he is unable to continue.

"What? What are you not telling me?"

Remorse fills his eyes, "She became unresponsive."

And it was at that moment, the world went black. The only thing I could hear was the faint echo of Officer Kalowski shouting my name.


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