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Haniya was right a wall apart from him. She had no knowledge about the random big twist in coming up in her life. Rizwan was going all crazy. He was going to see her. The old haniya. He could see her with those loving eyes he always wanted to.

Ruksana opened the door as it rang for a while. Haniya was smiling at a joke that her friend leena cracked. Few hours ago she was all sad and depressed but she accepted the reality. Believed that it was their end.

Both of them where stunned. Haniya more. She was having a hard time believing that what she was seeing in front of her was real. Rizwan was there for real. She looked at his mother who had a red face. The bags that she was carrying around slipped down from her hands.

"Haniya" his soft voice called her. She blinked back tears.

"Leena why don't we all have a walk down to that park." Ruksana said. Soon everyone left. Leaving behind the two confused soul behind.

"Haniya." He said as soon as the door was closed.
But she was quick. She went ahead and slapped him across his face. She had put her whole energy in that one slap. Her whole frustration in it.

Rizwan knew he deserves it. She kept looking at him with her eyes full of tears threatening to come out.

"Hani..." rizwan couldn't complete. Haniya started to punch his rough chest with her soft hands. And cry along. He let her do that. Until she stopped. And asked him.

"Why." She said punching again.
"Why. Rizwan why." She started her trail to punch again. Rizwan was now in tears.

He caught a hold of her. He clutched her shoulders tightly getting her attention to him. He didn't spoke anything just looked in her eyes. Then pulled her towards him.

Haniya breath his cologne. She missed him too much. Both stood so for a while.
"I am sorry hani" rizwan said as he tightened her hold. She was feeling home. Even if it's a dream she doesn't want to wake up.

"Why rizwan. I want to know. Why can't you keep your promise rizwan. Why. How dare you deny to keep it." She said as she glared angrily at him.

"A little mistake of yours. Made us all homeless. You pulled everything away from us. Do you even know what abba went through. Ammi sold all her jewelry. And I. I..." she began to cry.

"I am sorry haniya" he said as he took a hold of her hands.

"I know haniya. It's all my mistake. I am sorry. I decided to turn blind. I let you go. I should have stopped you. I should have listen to you. But I was too blind. I became selfish haniya. And I let you go. I am so sorry haniya." He said and came closer to her.

Rizwan could easily see the boundaries getting lose in her eyes. She wasn't going to stay on her ground.

"Haniya I can let go anything in this world but... not you haniya. I left you once. And won't make same mistake. Give me a chance to make everything fine. Let me in haniya" He said as he came more closer.

"I am back to keep my promise haniya." He said looking deep in her eyes.

It was that something in his eyes that she saw. And knew that the person was the same whom she left. The same with whom she feel in love. The same rizwan whose eyes won't have rest until they see her. The rizwan whose life is. The same rizwan whom she wants to be.

"Haniya" he connected their foreheads.
"Marry me." He asked.
She nodded.

"Woah. Yess." It was leena who screamed across the door. They where all listening to their conversations. Danish was back too.

Both rizwan and haniya laughed. "Rizu bhai." Danish said as he came ahead to hug his brother.

An hour later. The nikha was arranged. Rizwan insisted. He said he promised himself that he wouldn't delay to make haniya his wife even by a second.

Haniya wore a pretty dress. It was the happiest day of her life. And she wasn't sad that it wasn't like her planned thing. She knew it happening is all it matters.

Rizwan smiled as haniya came and sat beside him. She was being shy. And he liked it. The nikha was read. Both signed the nikha papers. Finally they where in the pure of bond of husband and wife.

Finally there road met after a long time parted.


My hands where being sweaty. It was making me nervous the way rizwan saw me all the way until we reached back banglore. He sat in front of me and it made me look down at my lap.

I thought I would encounter meeting rizwan's mother but was already gone. My room was in the same situation the way it was left. Ammi was happy to be back. So was everyone. The interior where changed but everyone was too tired by the flight to notice.

I got up from the bed. The room wasn't decorated. And I didn't mind it. I was misses rizwan khan now.

I stood by the window. How much I like being back home. Ya Allah thankyou for making everything the way they where.

A/N: read at your own risk. Nothing like that will make you want to wash your eyes with acid but yet.

The door opened. It was him. The closed the door and stood there watching me with a smile. And it made me smile too.

He came ahead. And I knew what is gonna happen I could see it what's in his head. Suddenly I just want to escape but yet I wanted to be bold.

"Rizwan." I said as he caught my hand and kissed it.
"I can't believe you are here in front of me" he said closing the distance.

I smiled looking at him. His closeness was all I want.
"Haniya." He called and I looked up at him.
And then our lips touched. Our lips blend into each other. My hands went to his hairs. I wanted to be his tonight and for ever.

Parting apart I whispered in his ears.

A/N: Sorry I update late. Got stuck. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for epilogue and the whole 'how rizwan discovers his mother's real face' thing.
And also at the start when I wrote MAKE ME YOUR'S. I didn't thought it would come upto 40 chapter's to least but I did.
And we have crossed 5K. Believe me. Thanks for all your support. You guys have made it.
See you guys in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
And vote.
Allah hafiz.

~7 Oct 2020.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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