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Since I had fight with rizwan on the roof he is been ignoring me. Completely ignoring me. And I can't stand his ignorance.

He doesn't look at me anymore. Avoiding me. He see only fiza now. And I know he is being with her for purpose. He knows how much I hate her. He is annoying me using her. I can't stand being away from him. I want him to brag in my room. Ruffle my hairs. Make me do his assignment and journal. I don't like my life anti rizwan.

And no doubt. Even if I denied that there's nothing wrong with shakeer there is. Now that I noticed what ever rizwan said was right. He now crepes me out. Now I avoid him. Don't look at him. Even when shahana phuphi ask to do anything that involve his son. I excuse my self. Rizwan was right. How I failed to see it all really ago. But now I don't know what to do. Shahana phuphi is not planning to go any time soon.

What should I do. I have to confront rizwan anyhow. But they way he is avoiding me I don't see anyway.

I lay flat on my bed facing the ceiling. Thinking and thinking. I never had a day when rizwan hadn't spoke to me. I do eveything that he likes. He likes me in western attire I wear western attire. He likes my hair open I keep my hair open. He doesn't likes talking to any boys I don't. I am reflection of what he likes. And now he is ignoring me. How can he. Just because he is just jealous doesn't he trusts me.

Can he not see. I didn't complain when he kissed my cheeks because deep down I liked it. I liked it how crazy he has always been for me. How possessive he is for me. But now he avoids me like plague.

I can't stand it. Has his madness stopped for me. Does he not like me anymore. Is there anyone whom I can talk to. Farah no bad option. I don't even have anyone to talk to me except rizwan himself. Maybe I fell more bad because of this monthly compliment mood swing.

"Haniya." He called me from the door. I locked it. I don't know why. Why is he not calling me hani why is he calling me haniya. He surely doesn't like me anymore. I cried.

"What" I yelled but that hurt my stomach as I slowly groan in pain. I hate this cramps.
"Choti ammi is calling you for lunch." Yes of course. You are not here for me but just running errands.
"Tell her I am not coming." I said. Yes not yelling.

"But you haven't had anything haniya. Come down for lunch." He said. Like he is concerned.
"Tell ammi. I said. And tell her to come up soon." I said. I know I hate him but I want painkillers badly and she has the ones.

"Are you on your periods haniya." He said. How could he say it that loudly. If someone listens what would they think. Rizwan.
I didn't knew what to say. Idiot. Ouch it all hurts. Ammi please come.
"Just please call ammi up." I said. Both cramp and rizwan were making me cry. I haven't done anything. I swear.

I didn't heard any reply maybe he left even before you said your last sentence. Like he wanted to stay. How could he change so much so suddenly. If it would be back then he would been bringing me food and chocolates and so much but now there's nothing. I hate this all so much.

There was knock again on the door and I now regretted clocking the door. I struggled walking but did it anyway. I am in need of those painkillers. That bloody painkillers.

Not bloody rizwan. Where is my ammi. I need her. Anyway I don't have energy to talk to him or argue more specifically. So I walked back to the bed and dug under the sheets. I only heard some ruffling noise cause I closed my eyes. It involved energy to keep them open and I had nothing of energy left.

"Here." I opened my eyes mercilessly only to see him offering a pill. No hesitation I had as I took the pill and chug it down. I took the water and gulped down the whole content of it.
"I told choti ammi. She is coming with food." He said but I was already drifted to sleep.

But I swear I felt him. His presence. His breath. His eye's on me. I felt him kissing my forehead or it was all my imagination. Maybe it's what I am dreaming.



Armaan's plan was 100% working. Though I hated myself ignoring her. But she has to know that she only belongs to me. Every inch of her is only for me. I even hate when someone looks at her. And shakeer he is the last person that should be seeing her.

I badly wanted to ignore her. But I failed when she didn't arrived for breakfast. I didn't saw her whole time but didn't had guts to knock on her door. But when I saw choti ammi saying danish to call her. I jumped for opportunity. Though I had to fill his pocket. I did.

I was still in her room watching her peaceful face sleeping. Her open hairs where something I never got tired of seeing. Though her eyes where shut but her eyes are always filled with love but now it's time to bring that love on her lips and kiss them away.

Choti ammi came with food but seeing her asleep she just smiled at me and left. I climbed on the bed and kissed her forehead. Taking a too long look on her face. I bought my books in her room and began studying but I have to leave before she wakes up. I am still going to give her cold shoulder. But I know she wouldn't be taking a lot.



"This is your advance. The remaining amount after the works done." I said as I handed money to Danish. I have planned something to trap mr. Rizwan khan.

I am sure it's gonna work....

A/N: Salaam reader's. Cliffhangers here. Thankyou for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.
See you guys in next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
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Allah hafiz.

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