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"Assalamu Waalaykumu ammi." Rizwan came in and said. His ammi was busy watching her daily soap on TV. Rizwan just came and kept his head on her lap. While his ammi began to softly muffle his hair. She missed his son after being apart from him for so many years.

"Rizwan did you had dinner." She asked him. Though he wasn't hungry and eaten. He nodded his head negative just to see how her mother would react on it.
"Oh. Rizwan. You should have had by now. How can you be so irresponsible. Did you look what time is it now." She was being furious and rizwan felt happy seeing his mother worry about him.

"Ammi. Relax. It's alright. Relax." He said. His ammi made a relaxed face and shook her head at him.
"Rizwan I am just so concern about. You have no idea how much I worry about you. My son. I sometimes wonder  how this year's you would have been without me. Is your father  taking good care of you or not. Are the family members treating you alright or were they treating you like trash." She said and began to hold her dupatta and her mouth to stop the cry sound.

Rizwan sat erect beside her and soothed her mother.
"Ammi. Then why didn't you take me away with you. " He asked the question he wondered many times.
"I wanted to. But I had no money and nothing. It was hard to even provide my self a roof. How could I had taken care of you." She said.

"They all told me that you died when I was small. They all lied to me. Kept me away from mother. I hate them. I hate them all. I'll never forgive them." He said. Her mother smiled unintentionally. She looked up at his son.

"Promise me ammi you won't leave me again. Promise me." Rizwan said making her mother smile.

"I promise....." she stopped when heard her phone on the table was ringing. She panicked. Before rizwan could look up to the phone. She snatched it and quickly rejected the call.
"It's from the call center. They always call selling schemes and offers." Her mother said in a rushed tone. Like she does when she's covering something.

"Okay ammi. I think I should sleep. You to go rest now. See you in the morning Insha Allah." Rizwan said. He took his mother's hand and kissed it. He climbed up the stairs and went in his room.

His mother rukaiya. She was still sitting where she was. She turned of the television screen. She picked her phone up and went somewhere to gain privacy.

She called saeed. Her other son. Whom rizwan was unknown with.
"Hello amma." He said excitedly. While his mother was in full anger.
"How much time I have told you saeed not to call. I had strictly told you that I'll call and not you." She said being furious.

"Great amma. Both you didn't called me in months. I...I needed some money" he said.
"There...That's. That's why I don't call. All you do is ask for money." She said with irrational voice.

"Great. Amma. Now that you live in that big palace with your beloved rich son. Why would you care for your other son who lives in a small house and has nothing to give you apart from love and care he has for you." He said.
"Enough. Enough. No need for doing the drama in front of me. See saeed I am warning you last time. If you ever dare to call me again. I won't spare you though you are my son." She said being as deadly and dangerous she could.

"Array. Array. Amma. You get angry so easily. My sweet mother. I didn't forget about it. I won't do it again I promise. But I need money..." he said mentally wishing to have her agreeing him.
"Fine. You'll get it by monday and dare not you gamble them again." She said before he hang out the call.

'I can't imagine what would have happened if rizwan had got suspected. He is rich and powerful. One mistake and I am back living in that 'chall' again. I am used to this luxuries now. It's like a habit now. Who knew it would have been this easy to trap my son. He is just like his father. Emotional fool. But I have to be more careful next time. Or else I would end up bad.' Rizwan's mother murmured to herself. She looked around the luxurious house. It was her now and will be forever. She wished.


"Rizwan" someone called rizwan.
Rizwan opened his eyes only to see bright sun above him. He got up by raising himself on his elbow looking at the source of the sound.

Then he saw her in a yellow dress. "Rizwan" she said as she came running towards him and stopping right in front of him.

"Come look there is a lake down there. Come with me." She said and stretched her hand in front of her. Soon he kept his hand on her.

They both began running. She was leading him. Her brown hairs flying in the air as she was running. Soon they reached by a pond. Suddenly all the bright lights went of and darkness stood up but the pond was still there.

She was now wearing an evening gown. There where stars shinning merrily in the sky. He looked back at her coming close to her.

His hands where caressing her cheeks. And she smiled at him.

"I missing you hani..." he said....

A/N: Salaam reader's. Whose team are you haniya or rizwan let me know by commenting.
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See you guys in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
Allah hafiz.

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