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I opened my eyes looking at the ceiling. Plain white ceiling just like my life. Nothing interesting in it. But white life is like a plain canvas you can color it as you like with all the colors you'll like. But not that I want to. I'll like my life plain. I hate colors. Specially red. It always reminds me of her. It was her favorite color. Little did I knew. She didn't liked my red heart that I gave her. And now I hate her. The color red and everything that she liked.

My alarm started indicating it was time for fajar. I pushed the sheets away from me. I walked over to see my shirt lying on the ground. It was black. I refrained even from wearing anything with colors. I picked it up and dumped it in laundry clothes.

After taking a quick shower I stood to offer fajar salah. After that I got ready for gym. I did my full routine in the gym. One of the many thing's I use to get distract.

When I got ready for office. I made my way down only to see table filled with breakfast. I don't get when only two person live then why to make so much food.
"Rizwan. Assalamu Walaikum. My jaan" ammi said coming down as she kissed my forehead by bending me down. I wondered how much I craved from mother's love.

"Walaikums Salaam ammi. Today you woke up early" I asked as I made her sit on a chair and began to serve her breakfast.
The smile she had faded a little. "Yes. I couldn't sleep." She said as she stared at the plate in front of her.

It makes me 100 times more sad when I  see her sad.
"Ammi. Why are you worried about something." I said taking her hands in mine.
"Yes rizwan. I only worry about you." She said. At least one person cares for me.

"Why ammi. Why do you worry. I am absolutely fine." I said giving her fake hopes.
"Rizwan. I am your mother. I can see through you. I know you couldn't forget  ha...." she was saying but I hate even listening to her name so I stopped her.

"Ammi. I am running late for office. Allah hafiz" I said and picked up my bag and left.
As sad as I was to interrupt her and be rude. I don't want anyone. Anyone dwelling the past of mine. I hate her and everything related to her.

I reached my office and was sitting in my cabinet. When my PA came in.
"Yes. Miss. Ray. Come in." I said and she stood in front of the desk.
"Sir. Your today's schedule. Should I..." she stopped and continued when I gave her nod not looking at her yet.

"At 11:00 a.m you have skype meetings with aly sheik from Dubai. Then at 1:00 you have lunch at hotel cabrillo and davie with the client from Harkin Oilers and refiners. And then at 5:30 you have to be for the factory visit. and then at 7:00 you have to be at the party from the Malik's. " she said and listened to it carefully.

"And yes sir. Mr. Hassan told us to give you the message he will be coming tomorrow to meet you." She said.
I smiled after hearing it. Hassan left the city even county they shifted to Oman. Because he got a job there. I was in touch with everyone but time made us apart. Everyone is now busy in his own life. Last time we all met at hashir's wedding. That donkey got married before everyone else.
How everyone had bet that it would be me to get married first but....

"You may leave miss. Ray and send those interns in. I want to meet them..." I said and she left.

After hours of working I got up. Maybe a break and called miss. Ray and asked for coffee. I stood leaning on the large glass slab looking down to the heavily city crowd. The building is huge so is the responsibility on my shoulders. I was so panicked and worried how will I manage it all alone with no one. Not even abba. But I know he would be proud to see me taking over the company.

I kept staring at the logo of the company from the glass window. It is craved on the building right where my cabinet table is. HK. I changed the name of the company from AB. Aliyan business. I think it's the name of my grandfather or something. I never took interest.

"Sir. Your coffee." Ms. Ray. Said placing  the coffee on the table. I asked her leave. I took my place on the seat. The seat on which once abba use to sit and rule the company. I miss him. So much. After few days I'll be his dead anniversary. I have to go and read fatiha on his grave. May Allah grant him a place in jannah. Amen.

I was currently having lunch with Harkin's. We have finalized some deals and now HK refineries will expand in Dubai too. It's a big step towards success. HK will now be internationally recognized. That's so good. Remind me to pray shukrana's as I get home.

The rest of the day went as per scheduled. After coming from the party I was home. I came in and saw ammi watching some daily soap on TV. I greeted her. I kept my head on her lap as she began to run her hands in my hairs. So relaxed and calm I felt. In my mother's lap.

A/N: Salaam reader's.
So... how many of you hate me. It's kind of twist but I am sure everyone was ready for it. I guess. Tell me how did you find the chapter. And can anyone guess what does HK stands for. Also did anyone noticed the big change in rizwan's character.
And also Hassan. Who will have his own storie in different book later on. In sha Allah.
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See you in the next chapter guy's till then keep reading reader's.
Allah hafiz.

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