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The  lift stopped with a loud dang. I came out holding a few files along with two cup of coffee in a go to cup. Which is every hard hold because the coffee is hot.

I turned to see but the hallway was completely empty by empty I mean with no people. What is going on. I turned back. Maybe I am one wrong floor though. My wracking brain needs some break really.

I turned again back but only to find people coming with boxes. What is actually going on.

"Miss. The PR department shifted up. On 15th floor. Where the CEO office is." One of the people said. He must have found me standing like a complete fool out here.

"Okay..." I said awkward to the man with empty box.
Why are we shifting there though. Why.
I pressed the lift button.
Maybe because rizwan did this. Why. What's going on in his mind.

Take the name of the devil and devil is here. That's what I murmured when I saw him as the lift door went wide in front of me. And mr. rehan was also there whom I have  smile and glare to rizwan before I entered. Or tried to.

Rizwan stopped me even before I could enter. I gave him a serious question look.
"The lifts already full." He said as I looked to the periphery. Only two of them are inside.

And instead of arguing. Something inside me kept calm. I backed away.
"Fine I'll wait." I said as I was waiting for them to leave and for lift to come back.

"I hope I see you in my cabinet. Ms.haniya at exactly 8." He said and as a reflex my head snapped to my wrist watch. It had only two minutes left which also turned to one. As I stared my watch. I looked up but only saw the doors closing and a rizwan starring me back hard.

As soon as the lift went of. I ran away. Stairs. Stairs. Stairs.

Just three floor's. Haniya just three. I was panting at the second floor itself. Come on. I didn't bother to look at the watch and waste my time. But as people say time fly's  away. And it did. By the time I reached up it had past 5 minutes more.

After almost killing leena by throwing or say dumping the coffee cup on her. I rushed towards the office like a lightning McQueen.

I entered inside the CEO cabinet. Only to find a smirking rizwan looking at me. I smile awkward at his assistant who gave me looks. Not her fault. I just bragged in without knocking.

"Okay ms.ray. I'll call you." Rizwan said.
Ms.ray did not looked happy. I gave her way as she passed.

"You are late." He said as he got up from his chair.
Yes that's like a news to me.
"Sorry sir." I said. I am sweating pool right now. Really.
"One cup cappuccino from street 12. The cafe hub." Was all rizwan said. To make me confused. Wait that's from where I bought the coffee before coming.

"You got ten minutes." He said looking at his wrist watch.

"Excuse me."
"I said one cup of cappuccino from street 13. The cafe hub. You got 10 minute to bring one." He said, with a slower speed.

"Aaaa okay." I said before leaving quickly. I really don't know much about streets here but. That place called cafe hub is a famous one. And has a really good rush outside. It's only the closet one from the office still far. The office building doesn't have it's one canteen. It's just that HK is establishing. And everyday everyone is just so busy meeting the deadline.

"Haniya. You almost dropped the coffee on my Gucci jacket." I heard leena say.
This girl. No way she could effort it. Not as an intern though.
"Did you know what he did." I said.
"Who eye's." She said as she sipped her coffee.
"No. The CEO." I said she came in little closer as I asked her ear to whisper in.

I ranted her about him like a small children complaining about the group other kids who bullied him.

"Haniya." She said as I finished saying to her the last line of the thesis of what rizwan did.

"What." I said as I began wiped up the sweat with the tissue.
"Go get the coffee then." She said with wide eyes.

I smiled lovingly at her. I looked at her raised and eyebrows then pointed at the coffee cup which was in her hand and then to one on my desk. And then looked back at her and then smirked.

"Oh no." She said.
"Oh yes." I said as I got up with the cup along with me.
I left the desk but winked at leena who was smiling like a fool. Making me wonder that does she found it entertaining or something.

"May I come in." I said as I peeked in his cabinet. He was smiling while typing furiously on a poor machine.
His head jerked up as my voice fell on his ears.

I was way to early then expected.
"Here's your coffee sir." I said politely and kept the coffee on his desk.

"You're welcome sir. I hope you won't bother me with your personal work. Since I am employed here as an intern and not your personal helper. Thankyou." I said and left.

A/N: Salaam reader's. Thankyou for reading the chapter and please do VOTE. It would be great help.
See you in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
Allah hafiz.

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