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Today was the day that paid for the whole month. All my insecurities and worries where drowning little by little deep in to the sea.

Today haniya riyaz khan finally received her salary. Isn't it great. It's amazing. My eyes ran through out to scan again and again the screen of my phone. It was message from the bank. Notifying me about the deposit of the huge amount of money in my account. I know it's soon gonna be going in a wink of amount as we have danish's fees and rent deposit and everything else in the list to pay. But really. I feel it's that time when my burden will be at a little lighter. And it will all soon dissolve into the thin air.

"Ms.haniya" I looked up from my phone to see a girl calling me. "mr.rehan is calling you in his office to you." She said.
Quickly enough my hands got sweaty. My lungs began to struggle for breath. I gulped nervous. After the encounter of my craziness when tia said she has a crush on mr.rehan. I am being avoiding listening to his name. I even stopped calling him eye's. Hypnotize. The hypnotize line was of leena. I told her about that weird incident that took months ago to her. She laughed like a maniac. Though I didn't find anything funny in it. Apart from the thief pushing me off. And she took responsibility on her and shipped us. Little did she knew that I left my heart to someone else.

"Go.haniya." I look beside to see leena. She wasn't teasing or being rude. Her eyes where so much serious that made me scared. Gathering all the courage I ever had I stood up. Whatever it is. We can only know by actually going. Sitting here and wondering can't help.

I took step towards mr.rehan office quiet hurriedly. Like my life was depending on it. I knocked on the door before entering. But to my amusement I didn't see mr.rehan instead there was a lady dressed in an abaya just like me. She turned around and stood up as she saw me. Her eyes where shining with something.

"Assalamu Waalaykumu." The lady said. I looked dumb at her. And blink few times.
"Walakumus Salaam." I said after she repeated herself second time.
"Don't worry. I am rehan's mother." She said. And my mouth formed a big 'O' after hearing that.

"Let's go to cafeteria. We can have a coffee and a conversation." She said existing already.
Something is wrong. I... I am confused. What does my boss's mother has to do with me.

"Come on" she said appearing again. I exited. On my way I passed people. My colleagues. Who gave me looks that where showing that they are beyond shock.

"What would you like. Coffee or tea." She asked as we sat in now empty cafeteria. I just shook  my head negative.
"Okay I'll have coffee then." She said as she asked one of the black suit man to get it for her. Though she wore abaya but she was modern and it was reflecting. I mean my would not have ordered coffee. She like tea more.

"Well. You must be wondering. Why I have came here and talking with you." She asked. I nodded at her. I think I left my tongue on my working desk. Let me just go get it.

"It's about my son. Rehan." She said. And I swear her words took me to a certain daily soaps very cliche thing. Where the mother of billionaire hero asks the middle class heroine to leave his son. Because she is middle class and all. But...

"I am sorry. But I didn't get you. Ma'am." I said because I was not into some billionaire. Let alone be his son.
She laughed slightly. Displaying a smile. She watched her bodyguard keeping a cup of coffee in front of her and sighed before pulling the cup closer to her.

"Haniya. I think that's what your name is isn't it." She asked and I again nodded. Surely my neck is gonna hurt later because of all this nodding.
"See I will come to the point and be as clear as I can." She said and I again nodded her to continue. As long as she doesn't ask me for my kidneys I am okay. Oh god relax haniya.

"Rehan has always been treated like a prince. We as his parents got him what ever he asked for. He wanted to study abroad. We send him. And honestly saying we all where too modern that we forgot our modesty. But as time passed we came back on our track. I and rehan's father. We turned more and more towards our religion. Our Allah. But rehan being abroad took the western culture. We tried our best to get him to his culture. But we failed." She was sad. It must be hard for her to say it. But why the hell is she saying it all to me. Remmber haniya you where like this too. How many salah you have missed before you can't even count. Until Allah took away all the luxuries and fun you had.

"But a day before yesterday. I accidentally came into his room but found him offering his salah. I didn't ask him anything but kept quite. After a long time pestering Manson he finally opened up. He said that rehan saw you offering salah in office. Providing you an area to offer. And I knew what changed him." She said.

"What." I asked her out of curiosity.

A/N: Salaam reader's. Hope you enjoy the chapter. It is out of blues really. I can understand if you don't really like it but I can't help the book isn't turning out as I wanted. Still have to finish what started. So...
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See you guys in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
Allah hafiz.

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