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"How can you haniya. Didn't you know how all our female colleagues where talking about how handsome the CEO is. Or or what about that article that I showed you it had his name on it." Leena was yelling me.

"I didn't pay any attention. I thought they where talking about mr.rehan and not not him." I said with hiccups between my cries.

"Oh god haniya. Okay at least stop crying will you." She said as she came beside and cooed me.

There's cry for whole life now. I was so happy finally everything was on its track but here it is. Life rubbing it's shits on me.

"What I am gonna do leena. How will I face him. He is not the person with  whom I fell in love. He is... he is... just someone else. I can't face him. Leena. I feel like running away. But but I missed him leena all this time. Every day. Every day he was in my mind. I never forgot him not even for once.I still remember everything. his like and dislike. He is on my mind and will always be. And can't even deny it. Why he had to make it hard. For both of us. Didn't he loved me. He was crazy for me. I was the first thing when he woke up. I was hard to live with out him. Was it easy for him. If not then why... I....I..." I said while leena kept on listening to my ranting.

Memories of our last encounter where flashing back again and again. I heart says to go for him and cry in his arms while my brain wants to smash him and kill him.

"Haniya how dare you. How can you raise hand on my mother." Rizwan said with anger in his voice.
Never have I ever seen him so angry.

"Did you just slapped me." I said holding my cheek with my hand where he just slapped.

"Yes. I did. She is my mother haniya and you have no right to treat her like this. You can't just drag her out of here. She has some rights too." He said that was the first time I felt like he was following mutiny. But it was pure betrayal that he had for me.

"Did you trust this women more then me rizwan." I said trying to make thing crystal clear.

"She is no this women. She is my mother haniya. She gave birth to me and you all just lied to me. She was death but here she is. And you haniya don't you dare misbehave with my mother." He said.

Why rizwan why. The women you only met for a day had so much for you but the one whom you loved for your whole life. The one who treated you like her own son. You turned blind to them. Your mother became everything to you. I hate you rizwan.

"Leena I don't know what to do. I think I will talk to mr. Rehan and ask for a resignation and I'll go back. I would tell ammi that they just fired me or something and then search for another job." I said as I looked at my red pajama entangled with the white quilt.


The door of our hotel knocked. Both leena and me looked at each other. I don't know why but the knock felt evil. I didn't wanted the door to opened. It could be him. What is that he wants now. Why can't he leave as all at peace.

Leena opened the door as slowly as she could. A black feature appeared and we heard few creams.

"Farah." I said as I saw her.
"Haniya" she said and I felt nothing but over whelming at that time.
We hugged each other as tightly as we could. The last time we ever met was her wedding three years ago. How much I missed her.

"Get down the bed." We heard leena scream. Be both parted and saw both Hassan and Hussain quietly getting down from the bed. And the look at farah's face was of complete shock. I know how her kids are really. They never listen to anyone.

"Good." Was all leena said before she stopped glaring at them.

After a moment I looked at farha. How much I missed her.
"Farha we had decided we will met on sunday then how..." I asked her that what we had planned. She gave me a sympathy look before she spoke hesitantly.

"Actually... it came in the local newspaper about the new indian company merging her and about it's owner and I knew ... you told me that the same company by which you are hired so... And... dammit haniya where is your phone I have been calling you like crazy. But..." she stopped after looking at my face. Which had nothing but pain engraving from the past.

"I was concerned about you. So... don't get mad." She said looking for reaction from me. I just nodded before I sat back on the bed. Leena looked at me before she came and took away the kids to sit on the couch. Leena is sure taken PhD in how to handle kids.

Soon the kid started to watch a video on her phone. And she came back. I ranted what happened to farha which gave numerous expression while I said.

"Poor soul. I feel like going right to him and punch him." She said.  "I still can't believe him. The guys who used to get mad at me just because I always wished you birthday first, that same guy has..." she left the sentence mid air.

And my heart again squeezed in pain. There is no way it's gonna go away.

"Let's not dug more. Leena please call the office. I really want to go away. Back to home where I am safe and secure. Please." I said but she was standing still on her grounds. And I just kept looking at her. What is she up to.

"You mean to say. You are gonna run away. But let me tell you haniya that's not the solution and if you are wondering that someone will be your shield then realize these soon haniya. You have to be your own shield." She said looking inside me.

"Maybe she is right haniya. I don't think rizwan would leave you at your peace. He will came back. And I don't know what he would do. But not a good vibes that he gives me. Even in news paper he looked so different and darker person. You can't run away with it. You just can't." Farah said.

"You guy's weren't there when he pushed me against that wall. At that moment I felt like I never knew him. And... and hate was only thing that he had. I don't want to hurt my self. All these years he had done enough. Broke me. And I am scared to be sad and broken again. You guy's won't understand." I said as I rubbed my eyes with my digits.

Farah came and hugged me from side.
"I know but that's not it... I just want my old haniya back. The one who was so rebellious and brave." She said as she kept her head on my shoulder.

"Just let's give her some time. I guess." Leena said to farah who nodded beside me.

"Okay. Kids let's go out and eat some shawarma." Leena announced. I smiled half heartedly.

The kids bounced up and down.
"I think I have found naany for my kids." Farah said beside me making me chuckle.

A/N: Salaam reader's.
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Anyway. Hope you like the chapter. Comment your thoughts I'll surely read them.
See you guys in the next chapter till then keep reading reader's.
Allah hafiz.

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