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Mira walked along the halls in building 5. She's trying to find Kiji and her cellmates. Mira wasn't informed that they were just a room away from Samon's office planning stuff on how to convince her that Samon really likes her too.

*sigh* Mira looked and saw Liang, Upa, and Qi training in the courtyard..... well Liang was training, Upa was meditating, and Qi was sleeping

"Liang. Upa" Mira said as she walked up to them. She didn't bother calling Qi since he was sleeping

"Hey Mira.... so... you alone?" Liang asked, apparently he knew why Samon was so occupied this day

"Yeah..." Mira said as she sat down on a bench

"Why are you alone?" Upa asked, he knew what they were doing too

"Uh.. well Samon let me out of the office" Mira answered

"Did he......say anything?" Liang asked

Before Mira could answer Kokkuriki walked to them "Hey guys I'm gonna have to train you later I have to get- Oh there you are no.93 I came to get you. You have a visitor"

"...Who?" Mira asked

"So... you kissed her!?" Honey asked Samon "Like just like that? No warning?"

"No she was about to leave so I just rushed in..... but I think she got the message" Samon said

"So where is she now?" Trois asked

"I.. don't know. I let her out to wander or whatever... I'm pretty sure she's shocked.. I saw it in her face so.. I think some time without seeing me would be ok.." Samon said "Oh don't worry though. She's somewhat pretty chill"

"Well we should probably let her think or whatever for a while" Kiji said


Mira stood at the other side of the visiting room "Hello" on the other side stood a woman with long purple hair, and red eyes wearing a pink dress

"What's with that face? So neutral. I'm your friend. Be happy to see me"

Mira sighed "Carla... I don't know why you're here"

"I'm here with your grandfather. He said that I was your friend so I should visit you too" Carla said as the door opened behind her "Oh hi there Mr. Amber"

"Carla please. You're Miracle's friend. Just grandpa is fine" Mr. Amber said as he stood infront of Mira

"Hello grandfather"

"Miracle Amber. I know it's been a bit long and I'm sorry for that. But I'm bailing you out"  Mr. Amber said

"....Grandfather.. I must attone for what I've done" Mira said

"Oh nonsense. You just stayed inside the house because you were too worried of what would your friends think after you begged for your thesis to pass to graduate. Eventually you got hungry and that's why you started using your brother's stealing thingy. Don't worry about your friends. I'm telling you that they understood it, they had a hard time too. Look Carla is here" Mr. Amber said

"Miracle~ Come on. I'm sorry about how I've reacted to your thesis when you showed it to me... you were already having a hard time talking to other people... and doing the thesis then I critized it bad.. you ended up pulling a few all nighters to try to get it done but.. I critized it again and you got pressured... and pressed a wrong button... it was deleted... you had some saved on your phone but it was only a few chapters... the presentation was an hour away" Carla said "I'm sorry"

"...It was my fault anyway... I was too incompetent in the first place.. I'm such a weirdo.. I just don't feel comfortable talking to other people.. and I wouldn't have need to revise it at all if I was smart enough... which I wasn't" Mira sighed

"Miracle. Don't you dare think like that. Your parents were wrong to only tell you your fails" Mr. Amber said "Remember that time you got a 99 on a story you wrote for writing class? Didn't you like writing? You can do that after I bail you out"

"Granpa.. they were right.. my parents were right... I just barely got a passing grade on every other subject. Just because I like writing.. and I coincidentally got a 99 on 1 paper doesn't mean I should pursue it. 5 of the peopl in class got 100.. like my parents said..  I should just give up on this.." Mira daid

"But Miracle. You were so excited to show it to them. You even showed them tons of notebooks you had that you wrote stories on" Mr. Amber said

"What a mistake that was.... Why would I even think it was an amazing story? We were graded by the grammar and figures of speech in the story.. not the plot itself... and the notebooks I showed them? Well it was just as ugly as I am... no one would even read it. I'm not good at anything and I've finally become fine with that in prison..  in here they already have little to no expectations of me.. and just assign me jobs I can at least be useful.. then spend the resy of the days inside a cell"

"But Mira outside is fun to! Back to your home" Carla said

"...This is my home now"

"....Can't you just be grateful like any other kid huh?!" Mr. Amber shouted

"I felt guilty but now I realize why the others didn't come" Carla sighed "Just say you want out"


(Time skip)

"Oh hey Kokkuriki. If you see Mira will you give her this popsicle?" Samon asked as Kokkuriki entered the office

"She was in the visiting room sir. Her grandfather and friend are there" Kokkuriki said then thought back "Oh by the way I overheard them talking about bailing her out"

"What?!" Samon asked in surprise


"She's being bailed out now?!"

"Well uh supervisor" Kokkuriki pointed at the window outside

Samon looked and saw Mira looking down at the ground.. she looked so drained of energy and depressed. Mira was escorted back to the building with Kiji

"What happened?" Samon asked

"Well.... I kinda just eavesdropped but even after she said that she wants this to be her home now, her visitors were still kinda forcing her to accept to be bailed out by them because they won't do it until she ask them... they were talking pretty loudly too.. them somewhere around the visitors kinda got angry and said her achievements that were barely there.. and Mira just kept agreeing on how she was nothing" Kokkuriki sighed "And here I thought her grandpa and her friend were nice"

"Nothing? Her? I don't think so" Samon said

"Yeah apparently she got a 99 in writing one time and really likes it in general" Kokuriki said


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