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(Two days later)

"She still isn't waking up?" Kiji asked Dr. Okina as he entered the infirmary

"No" Dr. Okina said "Her body was a bit frail already as you know. Getting punched in the head and have your head bump into a wall isn't doing wonders for her. She also lost a ton of blood. Plus I have to put that chip in her heart to restrict her powers, I don't have the capabilities to fully stop it but that's the limit"

"Her cellmates are worried about her, whenever they see a guard they ask about her and request to see her" Kiji sat down next to Mira's bed "When do you think she'll wake up?"

"I gave her all the medication I can. I may be an old man but I'm not stingy to show my skills, she'll probably wake up in one or two days" Dr. Okina said "But of course per request of the warden, she will not be brought back to her cell just yet. She needs to be interrogated"

(Building 3)

"What do you think happened? She got injured? Placed in a different cell because she went in instead of out?" Honey asked as he and Trois were brainstorming for that's all they could do now

"Is she were to be placed in a different cell then her clothes would get sent there. Her clothes are still here" Trois said "Maybe she got injured...but guards usually let us visit"

"Argh! I'm frustrated!" Honey said as he went through Mira's clothes

"What are you doing?" Trois asked

"She just shoved this in here. I have nothing better to do. Why not arrange it?" Honey said

"I'll help" Trois said then looked at Honey with a deadpan look as he was holding an underwear "Are you sure you aren't doing this to see that while she's away?"

"No! I was just surprised it's here" Honey said

"It's her clothes"

(Next day)

"Argh" Mira woke up in the middle of the night and find herself in the clinic. Her head still hurts a bit but she remembers everything

"No.93?" Kiji asked who was sitting on a seat next to Dr. Okina's table "Oh thank goodness you finally woke up"

".....I'm sorry Kiji" Mira said as she sat up

"Hey don't sit up just rest" Kiji said. In truth he wanted to keep watch of Mira since no one will be watching over the patients and Kiji doesn't trust the guards outside to the a very good job at talking "You just woke up. Calm down ok?"


"By the way. I haven't thanked you" Kiji said as he gently patted Mira's head

"Thank me?" Mira asked

"You used that... power of yours to save me" Kiji as he smiled "I never knew I was also part of your friends too. I though only no.82 and no.3 were your friends"

"Of course you are.... but my powers though.." Mira said as she noticed something off about herself

"Dr. Okina placed a chip in your heart.... it will restrict your powers.. it won't exactly stop you from doing it but it limits your... barriers" Kiji explained

"The barriers... were bad?" Mira asked

"Not necesarrily because you used them to protect us. But we don't know much about it dear" Kiji said as Mira sighed

"Am I in trouble?" Mira asked

"No. The warden just wants to ask you how you got your powers from" Kiji said "We'll do it tomorrow ok? Just rest. I'll get to sleep too"

"Ok" Mira sighed again and just went to sleep

(Next day)

Kiji and Mira walked inside the warden's office where Samon was also beside her "No.93, we just need to ask a few questions"


"Oh sorry" Hajime said as he mistakenly entered but he shuts the door immeadiately. It's been three days and his suspension was over so he wanted to greet the warden

"T-that's... isn't that.... the guy" Mira stuttered as she clung to Kiji's clothes "...I remmeber now... I'm a monster ... he's absolutely right"

"No.93, you're not. Calm down" Kiji said

"I am... this is why I never told anyone about this. I'd be dubbed as a monster, and well I can't blame them. This ability... having power is not normal... but I don't really hate it because it's the only think I can actually do that doesn't make me useless.... but what do I do now? Dr. Okina put a chip in my heart... I'm just back to plain me now? I can never do anything can I? I really useless" Mira said "If I'm a monster then I'll be seperated with Honey and Trois? I don't want to... but if it's for their safety then I'll do it. You can kill me. That's what will happen right? You'll just execute me.."

The warden and Samon looked at Kiji in concern for Mira. The conversation is sounding like she's about to stab herself again "No.93 what would no.82 and no.3 say right now?" Kiji asked

".....I don't know..." Mira answered and paused

"I think they would say it's pretty cool. But even without it they love you either way" Kiji said

"Love me?"

"Yeah. They always make sure you know it right?" Kiji asked "They always care about you too"

"....They do... but with the power-"

"They're very optimistic. They would just be wowed"

"They would?.... I guess so...." Mira said as the warden and Samon sighed in relief

"Now. How did you get that power anyway?" Kiji asked

"Oh my brother is an elf..."

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now