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(Next week)

"Oy no.93? Hello?" Samon worriedly waved his hand infront of Mira's face. Samon was giving her some exercises but she suddenly turned pale... very pale "no.93? You ok?"

With no warning Mira fell down

"You should've told me when you feel tired!" Samon carried her and ran to the infirmary. On his way he called over Honey and Trois who were chiling at the garden with Rokkuriki "No.82, no.3! With me now!"

"What happened to her?" Honey asked as they ran to her

"You didn't push her too hard did you?" Trois asked

".....I think that may be the case but let's go first"

(Time skip)

"We told you she's very frail" Honey said as he scolded Samon "She gets exhausted very easily"

"It's only been a few minutes since her exercise with you started" Trois said

"Well how would I know! I'm used to training people who are already fit and just want to exercise more!" Samon crossed his arms "I reduced my normal training for the inmates by a whole lot you know"

"Like what?" Trois asked

"Well normally I'd ask them 100 but I only asked her to do 50... and she fainted at the first exercise" Samon said

"Make that 10, and what was it?" Honey asked

"10?! That's too little, and it was jumping jacks" Samon said

"It's not little, 10 is a good starting point for her, then you can just add it as time goes by" Trois said

"Hey she's awake" Dr. Okina said as he pointed at Honey and Trois "Get here now. She's mumbling something"

Mira sat at the clinic worriedly "Oh no, I fainted at the first exercise, I'm so weak, I knew I should have just refused to go, but if I didn't then Kiji will just force me. But now Samon must be so dissapointed in me, maybe he's thinking what a waste of time I was and that he was just forced into training me, then he must be so troubled if he was the one who carried me here, or maybe not and he was so angry that he asked someone to do it. I'm just a failure I can't believe-"

"Mira, hey there" Honey said as he poked her cheek

"Feeling better?" Trois poked her other cheek

"Eh?...yeah" Mira said "Anyway, I should really tell you-"

"We heard while walking here" Trois said "Don't worry, we're not the most active people too"

"Samon just has monkey brains, he's so used to training his same kind that he forgot there's people who don't exercise" Honey said

"Monkey brains?!" Samon asked. He was suppose to keep quiet but felt offended

"Ah!" Mira stood up upon seeing Samon and bowed "I'm sorry. You went to so much trouble to train me and I fainted at first exercise, you must feel like your time has been wasted"

Samon looked at Honey at Trois but they just gestured him to talk "Well it was my job to train you. Plus I train a lot of prisoners too, problem is all of them like exercise so I had actually little idea how to train you. It was my fault, bit ultimately I want to successfully train you too"

"I'll try not to faint next time" Mira smiled as she then went to talk to Honey and Trois

Samon looked at them in awe, this was the first time he's seen her again after she stabbed herself in the warden office, and Kiji was right, she's kinda calm around those two

"How is she in her therapy?" Samon asked Dr. Okina

"Well she refused at first, saying she wasn't crazy but they convinced her it's just talk. And well she's getting better. I'm not allowed to tell you specifics" Dr. Okina said "Although you may have already noticed a lot of overthinking she has"

"Yeah... I know about that" Samon said "I wonder if their cell will be picked for the new year games"

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now