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(Next day)

"It's different today..." Trois said as he and Honey looked at Mira who stood in the corner wearing a track pants, a and a shirt with trainers

".....I don't want to see that guy" Mira said as she reffered to Hajime

"What are the chances we'll see him though?" Honey asked "We'll just go have a quick check up on the clinic then off we go train at building 5"


(Time skip)

Kiji opened the doors to the clinic and entered with his three little duckling behind him. Mira flinched when she saw Uno, Jyugo, Rock, and Nico. She looked around and sighed when she didn't see Hajime, she saw the other guard from building 13 instead

"Hey there" Uno greeted Mira as he went closet but got blocked by Honey and Trois

"Dr. Okina, Hi" Mira greeted

"Hello Mira. Have you been doing well? Exercising I mean?" Dr. Okina asked

"We're on our way to do it after Honey and Trois get a quick check up" Mira said "....And me too"

"Alright. You can sit. I'm just about finished with this guy here" Dr. Okina pointed at Nico then noticed his hair

"Meow" Mira looked up on the cabinet and saw a cat

"...A cat..." Mira said, she doesn't hate cats but isn't particularly fond of cat but doesn't gate them either "Huh?!" Mira looked in shock when the cat's fur turned to a red color

"What is this!?" Honey shouted as she realizef they changed hair colors

"Oh. Kiji's hair color" Mira said as she touched her now rainbow hair. It was too colorful for her taste but it seems entertaining watching the reaction of others

(Time skip)

"...Samon.. you look better in your original hair color" Mira said as somehow her hair color transferred to him, and his orange and green hair color transferred to her "I feel like red is a bit too much for you considering you have a red makeup and some accesories too......I-I mean you don't look ugly in red hair color! Just that.. you look... better the way you are...."

"Thanks. And on the contrary, my hair color seems to suit your yellow eyes" Samon said while they sat down drinking tea before they train

"Thank you" Mira said smiled then looked at Honey and Trois who were now struggling with Kokkuriki and Rokkuriki's hair color "My cellmates seem to not enjoy this"

"It'll wear off right?" Samon asked as he stood up and gestured Mira to stand as well

"Yeah. Nico said it won't take a day just a few hours" Mira answered as she sighed and stood up

"Let's stretch" Samon said "Come on"


"Put energy into it"


"Be more enthusiastic no.93"


(Next week)

"I'm proud of that!" Samon said as he bragged to Kiji while he points at Mira who has been doing some light exercises with Liang "Told you I can do it!"

"She can do the exercises you make the others do?" Kiji asked

"No not yet. I'm having no.2 do light exercises with her and build her up till she's ready to train with the others. But compared to walking a few feet and getting exhausted, this is an achievement" Samon proudly said

"I'm glad she wasn't startled by no.2" Kiji said since Mira is shy

"Actually she was even refusing to leave my office when I told her she's getting a new training buddy. But Liang is friendly and nice so he eventually got to her" Samon said then looked at Honey and Trois who were looking around at the garden "How about those two? They're always here for precaution in case Mi- no.93... gets a bit uh..emotional but I don't think that's necessary... plus they haven't exercised"

"How about tomorrow then?"

"Alright then. About time No.93 will be done too" Samon said

(Next day)

"Mira.. you seem excited to exercise.." Honey said while Mira kept fidgeting around in a happy aura

"Maybe it's because of Samon, but exercising is a bit fun" Mira said "Liang got me into it too"

"Well we'll be exercising with you today" Trois said "I'm sure it'll be fun"

"We're here" Mira held hand with Honey and Trois as they entered building 5 "Ah!"

"What's this?!" Honey asked as they were suddenly trapped in a net

"Kiji?" Trois asked as Kiji was dragged away by some scary looking dolls

"Eh? What is this? Is this a prank?" Mira asked the two

".....It doesn't seem so..."

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now