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"Please move!" Mitsuru said as he didn't notice and rammed some boxes to Kiji, Samon, and Hajime eventually leading to them to bump their heads on the wall "Oh? Are you guys ok?"

"No we're not!" Kiji, Samon, and Hajime said

"Kiji!" Mira went near Kiji. Thankfully, Kiji was playing with Mira's hair and had her go to his side. When Mitsuru rammed into them, it luckily didn't hit her "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine no biggy" Kiji said as he gracefully stood up

"Samon?" Mira asked "Are you alright?"

"That can't beat me easily" Samon said as he gave her a thumbs up

"Thank goodness"

"What about me!?" Hajime asked

Mira flinched and just silently moved away from him and hid behind Samon and Kiji

"Mira seems close to those two guards" Uno said as he gestured to Samon and Kiji

"Yeah. She always sees and talks to Kiji, and as for Samon she has more interactions with him since he trains her" Trois answered "She's comfortable with them. She said early on that she wants to stay with Kiji since me and Honey will probably play with people she never met"

"Do you ask her those questions regularly since you're cellmates?" Jyugo asked

"What question?" Honey asked

"Her bra or panty color" Uno said

Honey and Trois paused for a few moments as they realized that they never asked her those questions even though they never fail to ask other girls when they flirt

Honey thought "Well... I don't know why but I don't feel the need to ask her that"

Trois thought "I guess maybe I want her comfortable... I think asking her those questions will just make it a bit awkward"

"No we never asked her" Honey and Trois said in unison

"Why do I feel like I've seen you before?" Hajime asked as he pointed at Mira who tried to stay hidden behind Samon and Kiji

"You're an idiot" Samon said as he turned around to face Mira "Let's not waste time no.93, how about we jog around this room?"

"...eh but.. is it ok? With this outfit... and there are a lot of people.."  Mira said

"Oy! Are you ignoring me!?" Hajime asked

"Samon! You'll ruin her hair and makeup if you do that!" Kiji said "Just get her some training clothes when she gets to your building"

"Fine. How about you go play with the others then?" Samon asked "So you can at least move your body"

Mira looked at Honey and Trois, they were talking to the flame guy from building 4 along with a few more prisoners "I'll stay here instead... there's a lot of people there"

"Don't you want to make friends?" Samon asked

"I'm fine with my friends now" Mira answered as she followed Samon to the couch

"So just no.82 and no.3?" Samon asked

"Kiji is my friend too. So are you" Mira said

"Oh? Me too?" Samon smiled and patted her head "Well I am very friendly"

"I became her friend first" Kiji bragged "Oh and by the way. I did her make up, she looks stunning doesn't she?"

"Oy it's about time to leave" Hajime said as he was a bit irritated that he wasn't part in the conversation and was ignored. Hajime stood up and spoke loud for everyone to hear "Oy everyone. Time's up"

"Ha?! Already?!" "I just got here!" "It's too short!"

While everyone was yelling complaints at Hajime, Mira just stood there quietly near Samon and Kiji. She doesn't want their fun to end so early but at the same time she doesn't really like crowded areas

"Eh?" Mira looked up and saw Hajime's fist coming her way. Mira's legs gave out as she sat on the ground and lifted her hands in defense "No! Please don't punch me!"

Hajime stopped after hearing what she said. He looked at her and saw her shivering in fear as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. And this is when he remembered that she was the girl with weird barrier powers

Everyone else in the room, mostly the prisoners stopped minding about the bump on their heads when Mira screamed and looked at Hajime in fear

"Hajime" Samon glared at Hajime as he kneeled down to Mira and rubbed her back "No.93 wasn't complaining you know, why were you about to hit her like the others?"

"Mira" Honey and Trois walked near them as they helped Mira back on her feet

"Apologize to my inmate!" Kiji said while Honey and Trois get behind him with Mira. They were told what happened to Mira when she dissapeared so they know why she freaked out when Hajime was about to punch her

"Sorry my bad" Hajime said as he smoked a cigarette "Just go already"

"...Uh... bye then.. thanks Samon" Mira said as she walked away with Kiji, Honey, and Trois

"Bye Mi-...no.93" Samon said

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now