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Mira stayed behind Trois and Honey as they walked to the stadium for the new year games. There were a lot of people and all were men. Being the only female inmate, Mira got some stares so she just looked down and hid behind Trois and Honey. She wore her hood up and scattered her hair infront of her face

"No.93, come here" Kiji said. Mira went to Kiji who was just right next to Honey "I know you're shy but those two are tall, you won't be able to see what's happening" Kiji brought her hood down "I put foundation on your face today and you hide it?"

Mira just rubbed her shoulders as Kiji fixed her hair. She doesn't talk much in places with many people

"And in building 3~ cell 6 is picked!" Mitsuru announced

Mira flinched and looked at Kiji  in shock. She didn't want to compete and be seen by thousands of people while she does it

"Mira" Honey pulled Mira to the middle of him and Trois "You know, we heard from Kiji that whoever wins get any one wish of their choice"

"They grant anything Mira" Trois said "Do you have anything you want?"

Mira shook her head

"Well you can think about it as we compete, you can watch me be amazing" Trois said and gave his charming smile but only made Mira smile too not blush

"You mean me" Honey said in annoyance to Trois

"That's enough boys, let's go" Kiji said as the three ducklings followed him to the bleachers. Kiji went to talk to his fellow supervisors while the three just stayed behind

"Oh? A girl!~"

"Eh?" Mira looked up and saw someone grabbing her hand in a swift motion and shaking it

"Hi there, I'm Uno" He introduced "What's a beauty like you do-"

Honey had stepped forward and pushed him away while Mira stood behind Trois "Get away! She doesn't like you so don't even think about it"

"Oh come on" Uno said as he tried to go to Mira but was being stopped by Honey "Hi there cutie, stop hanging out with these boys, you don't like them right?"

Mira clenched Trois' shirt and whispered "...I like them"

Honey and Trois smiled. Honey pushed Uno back to his seat and hugged Mira along with Trois "This is the first time you said that" Honey said

"We really appreciate it" Trois said "Please say it more often"

"Hey what's the difference between me flirting with her and you?" Uno asked as he crossed his arms "I'm clearly better"

Mira shook her head and whispered "They're better...."

"Aw~♡ We like you too"

(Time skip)

Mira sat down alone in the bleachers while Honey, Trois, and Kiji were competing in a card game. Mira isn't Japanese so she couldn't do the calligraphy, the daruma fight was out of question to, and now since the card game needs contestant who are fast and able to read Japanese... she just stayed at the seats "I wanted to compete too... I wanted to help... but I couldn't do anything... not like it was surprising"

"Hey girlie, your guard dogs aren't here, want to sit with us?" Some inmate said

Mira shook her head even without looking at them

"Come on, we'll be your company"

Mira shook her head again

"They're not letting you compete anyway, might as well talk to us"

"Not letting me compete? It's because I'm useless? No.. Trois and Honey told me that there are just more Japanese here so there are more Japanese based games, they said if they hadn't learn Japanese when they got here then they would never have answered that too... it's a coincidence... but the fact remains I still did nothing" Mira stood up and made her way outside

"Where are you going?" A guard asked

"Toilet" Mira answered. She didn't want to keep hearing what more that man might say. Honey and Trois said to hold their hand if she's feeling uncomfortable here in the arena, but they aren't here... so she retreated


"No.93? Oy" Samon said while Mira walked past the clinic. Mira decided to enter the clinic since she was familiar with Samon, she went to him and held his hand "What?"

"......" Mira let his hand go and shook her head, this wasn't Honey or Trois

"Oy talk to me, don't just go holding my hand suddenly then letting it go while shaking your head. What's wrong?" Samon asked. Mira looked at him then at Inori then him again. Samon sighed "Inori leave us"


(Time skip)

"I see. That inmate offended you a bit" Samon said. He was actually a bit impressed that Mira got herself under control even when her guarddogs aren't around. She really must be improving

"Yeah.. and I walked out..." Mira explained "Pathethic right?"

"No it's better actually" Samon said "Other girls would scream, yell, or talk back at them, it would cause a commotion. Plus it's better not to acknowledge those people"

"I see..." Mira smiled "Thank you Samon"

"No problem" Samon smiled "Why don't you sit here with me? We can talk while you wait for them to come back"

"...Ok" Mira sat next to Samon and looked at his injuries "..Are you ok though? I spoke too much about my problem I forgot you were injured"

"Oh this? It's fine. No big deal" Samon grinned as he showed his arms "Doesn't even hurt"

(Time skip)

"No.93, there you are" Kiji said while Honey and Trois were behind him. The three of them saw Mira and Samon happily chatting. Mira wasn't as shy as she normally would... and Samon even gave her a popsicle

"And then I finally managed to lift that boulder" Samon bragged as he sat with Mira and talked

"I can't even do a push up" Mira chuckled as Samon followed

"Hm then I guess that's what I'll train you to do next"

"Ha.. ha.. ha" Mira forced a smile

"Ahem" Kiji coughed

"Kiji?" Mira looked back and smiled at them as she finished up the popsicle that Samon gave her

"Mira, sorry we lost" Trois said

"It's because of him" Honey pointed at Trois

"It's because of him" Trois pointed at Honey

"It's ok" Mira said and hugged both of them "I don't want anything anyway"

"Really?" Honey asked

"You must've thought of something" Troid said

"....I really like my life with you guys now" Mira said and kissed both of their cheeks "Good job earlier"

"This is the first time you kissed us" Honey said

"Shall we request to go back early? I'm thinking I need to return the favor" Trois said

"But we ...were talking" Mira said as she looked at Samon

Samon chuckled "You can go no.93, I have to go back to work anyways"

"Oh. Ok then... Uh nice talking to you Samon...I enjoyed it very much"

"Likewise 93. Let's have friendly chats more"

Mira smiled and went back with Honey and Trois but waved goodbye at Samon again

"Yeah yeah. Bye already" Samon chuckled

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now