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"Oy Uno! Don't go back!" Honey said as they were seperated from Liang, Upa, and Nico

"Uno, Liang can probably handle it" Jyugo said

"Stop wasting time" Trois said as he pulled on Uno's hair "The way is block anyway"

"Why didn't you stop them from blocking the way!?" Uno asked Mira who was just silently waiting for them

"T-that's what Liang and Upa wanted to do... And I thought Nico was still here.." Mira said as she grasped her shirt "I'm sorry"

"Oy Uno stop getting angry at her" Honey said

"Yeah. Are you angry she doesn't like you?" Trois asked

"She has the most useful power here!" Uno said as he crossed his arms


"What?! Run! Let's run!" Honey and Trois said said as they pointed behind Uno

Uno looked behind him and saw a big flood of water heading their way "Oh my gosh!" Mira ran towards it and put a barrier around the whole wall

"Mira? It won't hold long right? Let's run" Trois said

"It'll hold as long as I keep concentrating at it and pour my power... but I can't take it anymore too. So can you please unlock the gate there so we at least won't bump it?" Mira asked

"I got it" Jyugo said as he ran to the gate quickly

"Hurry up!" Honey said

"It has a big open area here! It probably won't flood here" Jyugo said

"Ok" Mira waited for Trois, Honey, and Uno to run where Jyugo went before cancelling her barrier and running away in a hurry before she gets caught up. Sadly the flood was faster and caught her



"Is that no.93's voice?" Kiji asked as he held onto the cell bars "She's escaped? Oh dear I hope she doesn't use her powers too much... she knows what'll happen if she does... but they don't.."


*cough cough*

"Mira are you ok?!" Trois asked while he and Honey ran to her "You got caught up in the flood. Did you hit your head anywhere?"

Mira stopped coughing and stood up "...No, I'm fine"

"You must be cold" Honey took his apron off and lend it to her

"Thank you" Mira took it and wiped her face first

"Jyugo unlock this room will you" Trois said as he pointed at a room "Mira come here, we can rest a bit here"

"Eeek! What the heck!?" Uno said as the room was filled with dolls but they weren't alive, instead they were unactivated

"Oh? This must be the maintenace room for the dolls" Trois said as he happily walked up to the dolls while Mira finds a spot to sit

Honey, Uno, and Jyugo went outside to talk while they let Mira rest and Trois on his weird obsession

"What is it with her? She can do stuff but won't because she's shy? We're in a dire situation" Uno said "Although she's still a beauty"

"Shut up. She's been through a lot you know, and she just saved us so you don't get to complain" Honey said "What is up with that Jyugo guy though, I can't read him at all" Honey said while Jyugo was roaming around

"Aren't guys like that more interestibg though? Plus, It's not like you can try to see what Mira is thinking" Uno said

"Mira? Well she's always been prone to jump to conclusion although she's changing now, I've never actually knew what she's thinking since it seems like she's thinks of a lot of things" Honey said "But I love her anyway"

"Is she your girlfriend?" Uno asked

"....No....." Honey answered "She... has a... kinda crush on... somebody which is still not sure yet... but I think it's just admiration"

"Aw~ poor you" Uno said

"Seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves"

Uno and Honey looked behind them and saw Ruka, an underground inmate  "A queer!"

"Why are you crying?!" Ruka asked

"You guys are noisy" Trois walked out of the room with Mira behind him "What's happening?"

"Hi handsome~" Ruka gave Trois a flying kiss

Trois took a few steps back and pulled Mira close to him "Sorry, we already have a queer, and I have a love interest"

"I'm not a queer!" Ruka shouted

"Oy stop taking advantage of the situation to flirt with her!" Honey shouted

"Hmph! Whatever! Just go attack them!" Ruka said then two guards with talisman on their forehead appeared

Honey, Uno, and Jyugo ran away from them but soon got caught in Mira's barrier "Mira?" Honey asked while the guards attacked the barrier but wasn't doing any damage

"Alright don't worry guys" Trois came out with a bazooka "I got this"


Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now