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"Warden I would like to request no.93 to keep staying at my building" Kiji said after Mira was rushed to the clinic

"Why is that? You saw what happened earlier, she needs help. People don't just stab themselves put her in a pysch ward" Samon said

"I believe what happened earlier was because of everything being revealed all at once, as well ss the changes with her sentence. She was shocked and probably did that in the heat of the moment" Kiji explained "Of course I'll take her to therapy if she needs to"

"How is she like normally?" Warden asked

"She's usually shy, but with her cellmates she's a bit blunt but over all she talks with them after breakfast and before lunch, whenever I would escort them, she acted normal... but she is prone to jumping to conclusions" Kiji said

"And how do you usually cope when she has those moments? Jumping to conclusions I mean, cause it might result to earlier" The warden said

"She was never up to that point" Kiji said leaving out of course the obvious inapproroiate kissing that happened "She would always just say things but get calmed immeadiatly by her cell mates"

"Calmed by them?" Samon asked

"They're very nice and gentle towards her you see, especially when those events happened. There's one incident though about earlier that she was upset with her cellmates so I brought her to my cell, she begged for solitary but nothing else" Kiji said "I talked to her cellmated and it seems there was just something they said that she misunderstood"

"So you're saying. When she's with them she's just a very sensitive girl, and earlier was just because a lot happened and her cellmates wasn't able to calm her down?" The warden asked

"Yes" Kiji said

"You can confidently say that even though she hasn't been here for long?" The warden asked

"Yes" Kiji said without wavering

"....Alright. but she will be taken into therapy at least twice a week until there's improvement. Does she have anymore problems?" The warden asked

"Yes.... she gets exhausted... very fast" Kiji said since everytime they walk to the cafeteria he could see Mira panting a bit after they arrived "The walk to the cafeteria... exhaust her a bit"

"That short of a distance?!" Samon asked

"Yes.." Kiji said

"Samon can you do something about that?" The warden asked

"I think so..." Samon answered

"Alright then if there's no more problem you can both go now" The warden sighed


"Doctor" Kiji entered the clinic "Where is she?"

Dr. Okina pointed at a bed with the curtains closed on it. Kiji went to that and opened the curtan, he sighed in relief seeing Mira alive although one of her hands were cuffed to the bed

"Kiji" Mira sighed as she glanced at him "I'm so stupid, you see I stabbed myself, but the doctor said I missed all important parts that may be deadly..... even to the point of stabbing I'm useless huh?"

"No.93" Kiji slowly exhaled "You're not going to the psych ward"

"I'm not crazy" Mira sighed

"You're staying at my building. At cell 6" Kiji said. Mira widened her eyes, but before she could say anything this time, Kiji slowly placed a hand over her mouth. "I've talk to them. They said they were genuine"

"They're just-"

"Then you talk to them and make sure yourself" Kiji said

".....I think you should just put me in a psych ward" Mira said silently

"Since your situation is non lethal, I can probably discharge you tomorrow" Kiji said and gave her a smile "I'll bring them with me if you want"


"Then you'll talk to them?" Kiji asked


"They're very worried no.93... when I went back to their cell after you just dissapeared, they were worried, a bit in panic actually... when they saw me they told me about you going missing" Kiji said, he gently patted Mira's head "They care, I can assure you that, they're not evil people despite being prisoners you know"

(Next day)

"Here we are" Kiji said as he brough Honey and Trois over to the clinic "Last bed over there" Honey and Trois ran to that bed and saw Mira sitting down

"Mira!" The two boys both hugged her first

Mira sat still as they hugged her "......"

"Mira.... we're so sorry" Honey started "This is because of what we did right? We never wanted to hurt you"

"That's right. Honestly though, we were flirting a bit but we never meant any harm" Trois said "We genuienly like you"

".....that's impossible, it's just been a few days since I-" Mira was cut off

"Doesn't matter. We won't kiss just anybody you know, especially in only a days of knowing them" Honey said as he held her right hand

"We only did that to you, because that's how fast we wanted you to know we're interested" Trois said as he held her left hand

Mira blushed a bit but shook her hand of them to cover her face "Liars"

"Look at us and see of we are" Honey and Trois said in unison

Mira looked at them and blushed more "....I'm sorry for worrying both of you"

Both of them smiled, they went to either side of her and kissed her cheek

"Talk to us next time please" Trois said

"Let's resolve problems through talking" Honey said

"...ok" Mira answered as both men then hugged her

Unknown to them, the warden was watching from a security camera with the knowledge of Kiji. The warden wanted to know how she acts around those two men, and it seems that they actualy calmed her down. "She's better than yesterday"

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now