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Honey ended up setting elaborate traps for Ruka, Kokkuriki, and Youriki ... with the help of Trois of course. It ended up with the three being tied up and encased in a wall where Trois threw all his bombs at it

Uno and Jyugo looked in awe at their teamwork. While Mira already knew they work well together but was slightly surprised at what they can actually do although she just leaned on the wall and breathes as they bicker again

"Oy get back!" Honey said as he pulled Uno back. Just then Ruka came out holding a fan, he waved it around then a huge gust of dangerous wind came their way

"Oh no" Mira stood properly and used her barrier to shield all of them including her


Her shield deflected quite well but it made her kneel down and clench her chest as she took a deep breath and faced forwards agaib

While she did that, Honey created a mini shelter and pulled Mira into it when he's don "You look exhausted Mira... stop using your powers"

Mira looked at Honey's hands and saw it bleeding from all the pulling "Honey-"

"You can't do something like this can you?" Honey asked Jyugo when he was looking at Honey's strings

Mira paused and just stayed quiet as she was not liking Honey's attitude today

"Uno. If you know the way you should go, we'll handle this" Trois said

"Don't forget to take Mira with you" Honey said

Suddenly another wind gust blew their shelter away "I'm not letting you guys have another discussion!"

"Jyugo, Mira let's go!" Uno pulled the two away but Mira quickly stopped "What's wrong?" She didn't reply and just went back without a word

Jyugo stopped too and looked at Uno "Ok fine. Let's go back!"

Another gust of wind was sent to Honey and Trois. Jyugo quickly ran infront of them with his blades out as he sliced through the wind. Meanwhile Mira place a barrier on Honey and Trois so no rubble would hit them

(Time skip)

Jyugo eventually made Ruka retreat back to the water. Honey and Trois were surprised for a moment but just ended up being interested in Jyugo's blade. But after a few seconds Ruka rose back again only to be defeated by Jyugo ...becuase of exhaustion Jyiugo fell in the water but Honey saved him

Mirs smiled at seeing Honey help Jyugo up


"Oy monkey. You look anxious" Hajime said

"I feel like no.93 escaped and tried to use her power... despite saying she's useless herself she'd do a lot for people she's.... aquainted with" Samon sighed

"...what happens when she uses her powers?" Hajime asked

"Huh? Oh. Nothing much really, I think whatever happens normally to her body?" Samon said as he frowned and whispered "Unless... she exceeds the limit"

Mira had decided to go with Trois underwater, she placed a barrier over their heads so they won't have trouble breathing. Eventually with the help of the charming smile of Trois, they got passed Ruka and Trois was able to get the key as well

"Mira, come on" Trois said as he took Mira's hand and helped her since she looked exhausted

Trois and Mira resurfaced eventually while Mira cancelled out her barrier on their heads

"Gah! Your outfit is dry clean you know!" Kiji said as he lifted Trois then he saw Mira and gasped "No.93? Are you tired? Well you weren't used to this much activity weren't you? I guess you still need more training from the monkey huh?"

"...Yeah" Mira said as Kiji helped her up. Kiji noticed that she seemed to be limp or rather can't stand properly

Eventually Ruka rose from the water but before attacking Kiji managed to talk his way out of Ruka

"Kokkuriki, carry no.93. She needs to rest a bit. This must be too much action for her. I'm going to cuff the rest of the inmates" Kiji said

Kokkuriki carried Mira in his arms and can't help but notice her breathing pattern... as well as the hand mark on her neck that resembles his hand size too much


"No.15, is no.93.. ok?" Samon asked as Jyugo hesitated to set him free because Hajime was still thinking if he was going to let Samon come with them

"Mira? She's fine I guess... she looks extremely exhausted the last I saw her though" Jyugo said

"Did she use her powers?" Samon asked


"....up to what extent?"

"Hm.... she made large ones, a few more different sizes to protect us a lot" Jyugo answered

"....Oh no..." Samon said

(Kiji's group)

"Oy. You're the chemist right?" Kokkuriki asked Qi as they reunited with the other inmates "You can do a lot of medic things too right?"

"Kokkuriki this isn't the time for a chat I-"

"No sir uhm....no.93 stopped breathing"

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now