Chapter 5: The Pass of Caradhas

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Chapter 5- The Pass of Caradhas

By the end of the first day, the spirits of the Fellowship were still high and the conversation pleasing. The Hobbits accounted for the majority of the discussions and for this Autumn was very grateful. She felt more at home with them- a motherly figure to help keep them accountable and in order. All except Frodo, it seemed, who still remained wary of her.

She couldn't deny that whenever she grew close to the dark-haired Hobit, she felt a gentle pull toward the Ring. She was a Daughter of Man and of Immortal- it was only probable to assume that the Ring would target her as a potential Bearer. "How are you fairing, my lady?" Aragorn asked her that night as they made camp.

"I'm fine," Autumn answered honestly. It was partially true- she was fairing well, but she couldn't deny the growing anxiety that was growing in her mind. Nor could she supress the feeling of dred that has surpassed her.

"It must be odd for you," the Ranger said, "To be here- a world that is fantasy in your own.

Autumn grinned, "It's more of a dream come to true."

Aragorn arched his eyebrows.

"I didn't fit in back home," Autumn said lowly. "I had a rather difficult time making friends or getting along with all my studies. My mind was always wandering- somewhere far away and over the horizon," she chuckled, shaking her head and pushing her dark hair from her eyes.

"Won't you have people back home to miss you?" Pippin asked, casuing Autumn to jump. She hadn't seen him come over from the group.

She forced a sad smile, "I doubt it," she replied, her voice breaking. Thankfully a clatter of pans diverted everyone's attention from her to Sam who had just taken his pack off, allowing everything to fall to the ground.

"Confound it, Samwise Gamgee!" Gandalf roared at the poor Halfling. "Do you wish to get us killed on the first night of our quest?"

"I beggin' your pardon, sir," Sam said quickly and apologetically. "I warn't thinking."

"It's alright, Sam," Autumn interjected before the Wizard continue harping on the young lad. "Believe it or not, I'm rather clumsly myself," she smiled reassuringly and crossed across the campsite and to his side to help him prepare supper.

Sam smiled thankfully.

Boromir watched the woman with a furrowed brow. There was no doubt that he'd never met someone as strange as she was- but then again, there was something about her that he just couldn't understand. So he watched her in silence, taking in her soft smile as she laughed at the Hobbits and her careful hands as she took the skillet from the fire.

A look of pain flashed across her visage and she dropped the handle of the skillet before crying out in pain and holding her hands out. "Ow!"

The Hobbits looked at the maiden in worry, "Autumn! Are you alright?"

She winced, "Y-yes, I've just burnt my hands."

Legolas was at her side in a moment, taking a small pouch from his pack and offering a substance to her, "For your hands," he explained, gentling opening her hands and softly applying the salve to her injury, which was just beginning to blister.

Boromir felt something stir inside him as he watched the Elf care for the woman. He'd only just met her, he told himself, There was nothing else to say- she should mean nothing to him. In fact, she shouldn't have even been along on this journey- yet here she was.

Aragorn was sitting beside the fire with his pipe between his lips, seemingly unaware of what was happening and caught up in his thoughts. It had to have something to do with the Elleth he'd been conversing with, Boromir decided, retrieving a whetstone from his satchel and starting to sharpen the edge of his blade with it. His mind wandered to that of his home in Gondor and to his brother Faramir.

Saving Boromir (A Boromir love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon