Chapter 9: The Balrog

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Chapter 9- The Balrog

As much as Autumn hated running from something that she could defeat, she listened to Gandalf and ran. As she sprinted and limped forward, she tried to convince herself that there wasn't anything she could do; there was no other option. Perhaps in another lifetime, the Fellowship could've stood their ground and fought the Balrog- maybe then they could have all made it out alive.

"Hurry!" The Wizard urged, shaking the woman from her thoughts

Gandalf had less than an hour to live. And only the two of them knew it. The Wizard led them forward with such speed that Autumn wondered if the Wizard was actually looking forward to his death. Maybe he was curious to see what his future held in store.

The Fellowship followed Gandalf swiftly down a steep set of stairs and around a dim corner. The walls were lined with black-handled torches that bore flickering flames, which cast eerie shadows along the floor. Boromir took one of the heavy, black torches from the wall and bid us hurry after him.

The Son of Gondor was a natural leader, and it didn't surprise Autumn when he took the lead. Gandalf stood guard at the first bend in the passage, ensuring that the Fellowship as a whole passed through the next doorway before he brought up the rear.

Autumn limped as hard as she could, her legs throbbed and her lungs burned. She could hear her heartbeat in her head and the frantic gasps of air as she inhaled desperately. For a moment, she felt her body pitch forward but was caught and steadied by Aragorn who had taken his pacing beside her. "Hurry!" He urged her, his handsome face dripping with sweat.

Ahead, the light grew hot and orange and within seconds the passage opened into a large cathedral-like room. Ancient mining equipment was scattered about and ahead, a small bridge led out over an outcrop.

Boromir hurriedly ran forward and gave a Yelp; the outcropping was just that. It wasn't a bridge; and as the rocks gave way and tumbled down into the huge canyon below, Autumn felt her stomach rise to her throat.

"No!" She gasped, she pushed herself to the front of the line and quickly caught hold of him. She wrapped one arm over his shoulder and the other below his arm; making a sort of harness around the Gondorian's back.

Legolas was at her side in an instant, also pulling Boromir away from the cliff and back to safety. The Elf's long, blond hair was tangled and matted; and his sharp, blue eyes turned and fell on Autumn. He seemed to be trying to communicate something, but she didn't know what.

Boromir nodded to Legolas and Autumn with gratitude; his heart was thumping so hard in his head that he found it hard to concentrate. There had been many times he'd almost perished in battle... But to fall to his death? This was something different entirely.

"We cannot tarry!" Gandalf shouted. Wizard hobbled down the stairs. "Gandalf!" Aragorn turned to help the old man but he pushed the Ranger away.

"Lead them on, Aragorn!" he gestured to the Bridge on the other side of the trench.

The Ranger hesitated and opened his mouth to reply, but the Wizard interrupted him. "Do as I say!" Gandalf demanded. "Swords are of no more use here!"

Aragorn nodded in understanding. Autumn had said something about the danger in the Mine and Gandalf had confirmed it. "Hurry!" Aragorn yelled to the Fellowship, leading them down the steep set of winding stairs.

Merry and Pippin were right behind the Ranger, followed by Legolas, Autumn, Boromir, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, and finally, Gandalf. They were all in such a hurry and running so quickly, that they ended up treading on one another's feet. Their hearts thumped wildly against their chests and their breathing was hard and labored.

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