Chapter II- Riders of Rohan

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Chapter II- Riders of Rohan

The pain of his wounds reminded Boromir of just how lucky he was to be alive. Only three days ago, a group of Uruk-Hai had been sent to abduct the Ring-bearer of their group. While Frodo and Sam had escaped the ensuing battle, Merry and Pippin weren't as lucky. Boromir and Autumn had reached the latter in the woods and fought valiantly to protect them. In their plight, Autumn had thrown herself into the path of two arrows to save Boromir. She had known the route the missiles would take— perhaps she had known all along.

Autumn's protection had stalled long enough for the two to argue briefly, and in that argument, two of the Uruk arrows found their way into Boromir's chest and shoulder. The pain that tore through his body was nothing compared to the pain of losing her while he fought an Uruk for his life. He'd watched helplessly as she was lifted off the ground and choked into unconsciousness. By the time he'd killed his opponent, the Hobbits and Autumn were gone.

Boromir knew that the Uruk leader, Lurtz would've killed him, had it not been for Aragorn's sudden arrival. Autumn had kept the archer distracted long enough for the Son of Arathorn to come to his aid. After slaying the archer, Aragorn had assisted in mending Boromir's wounds, and the two men, the Elf and the Dwarf pursued their stolen comrades.

Boromir's heart thumped rapidly against his chest as he urged himself to press onward after Legolas and Aragorn. Every muscle within his body ached, and his wounds were still tender. The Remnants of the Fellowship had been running for nearly three days, and the time had begun to take its toll on the four of them. They were weary, dehydrated, and hungry, but they were slowly catching up to the Uruks.

Over the past four months since the departure from Rivendell, Boromir found himself growing very found of Autumn and her companionship. They spent hours talking and laughing with each other, and she quickly became a dear friend of his. He believed she was the first female friend he had ever had. Boromir had always been too busy defending Gondor and its capital to find any sort of companion aside from his brother and their soldiers. Of course, he'd known women in the past and flirted with the idea of marrying, but his father, Lord Denethor, kept him too busy.

It hadn't been until they'd made their descent of Caradhas that Boromir noticed the stirring feelings he had for the Daughter of Este. It struck him when she'd sung to them in the small cave they'd sheltered in to avoid the storm Saruman had sent. Autumn had sung to the Hobbits to comfort them, and he'd found she'd even managed to calm his suspicions. The feelings continued to grow in the Mines of Moria, and when he saw that she was as fierce and capable in battle as she was beautiful.

But what could the Daughter of the Valar want with him? He was only the Son of Gondor's Steward. He'd feared that she would develop strong feelings for Legolas, the Elf Prince, but as time wore on, it seemed she only had eyes for him.

Boromir smiled at the memory of Autumn's blush, heated by embarrassment when he would touch her. He thought of the way her eyes would twinkle when she would throw her head back, laughing like a small child. He thought of their long conversations while taking the evening guard, and he thought of how selflessly she defended him against the arrows of the Enemy.

Ahead of him, Aragorn ordered the group to a halt. He was breathing hard as well, sweat beading his forehead. He approached the mossy boulders that lay spread across the rocky and uneven terrain. Aragorn laid his ear on the side of the stone, listening intently to the grumbling of the earth. His hands felt for any sort of rumbling and movement.

"What do you hear?" Boromir asked, grateful for the moment of rest. He wiped the sweat from his brow, wincing at the slight pain in his shoulder.

"Their pace has quickened," Aragorn stated, slowly getting to his feet. "They must have caught our scent." He turned to look back at Gimli and Legolas, who was several strides behind the men. "Hurry!"

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