Chapter V- The Halls of Meduseld

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Chapter V- The Halls of Meduseld

As it turned out, King Théoden's only son and heir, Théodred, had been mortally wounded by Uruks all bearing the White Hand of Saruman. Théodred, as Autumn had recalled, had been brought back to Edoras by Éomer before the Rider of Rohan had been banished. The King's son had bled to death during the night. Théoden blamed Gondor for not coming to aid Rohan in their plight in the Westfold.

After her outbreak over Gríma leaving Edoras, it was revealed to King Théoden that his son had died. As unfortunate as this death was, it did provide enough distraction from the outburst Autumn had, as well as her attempt to kill the King's former adviser. In fact, Autumn was furious with both Aragorn and Boromir for trying to restrain her.

Théoden and Éowyn had departed the stairs and disappeared into the Hall of Meduseld to prepare for the Prince's funeral, leaving the strangers waiting in the courtyard. Gandalf was looking sternly at Autumn, who stood with her arms crossed over her chest. Her dark hair whirled around her as Rohan's winds whipped at their clothes and exposed skin. "My dear girl, why did you think that disarming a guard and pursing the King's adviser was a good idea?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkling with a sort of knowing.

"I don't know why you find such amusement in this, Gandalf," Autumn snapped back.  She was beyond frustrated with the men of the Fellowship at this point.

"You pursued an unarmed man, my lady," Aragorn started. "That is unlike you to do something so reckless-."

Autumn turned to face Strider, jabbing a finger into his chest. "You saw what he did to King Théoden!"

"No, milady," Legolas replied softly. "The shadow on Edoras was beset by Saruman. The adviser was merely a pawn of the Wizard."

Boromir stood beside Aragorn, torn between what to say. On one hand, he saw the same reasons that Legolas and Aragorn had, but the other side of him hated that he did not trust Autumn enough to let her go. He thought he had been protecting her, when in reason, he'd kept her from following her gut.

Autumn narrowed her eyes at both of the men. "Gríma will return to Saruman, and we will feel his wrath upon us. I was trying to save us from a battle against Isengard's forces, and you stopped me."

"Have you no faith in your friends?" Gandalf asked. "You cannot change all the things that the Weaver has in store, but you know this."

"I saved Boromir," she said suddenly. "And my friends kept him safe until we were reunited again. I changed one thing, and I may be able to change more."

"I don't mean to say that I am not grateful for you saving me," Boromir began slowly, watching his words. "But perhaps Gandalf has a point." He noticed the anger in the dark-haired beauty's eyes shift suddenly to him. "Give me but a moment to explain. You didn't want to enter the Mines of Moria, right?"

Autumn nodded, not sure where the Gondorian was going.

"Had we not entered the Mines, we would not have faced the Balrog. If we had not faced the Balrog, Gandalf would simply be Grey, not White. We lost him for a time, that's true, but he came back to us stronger than he was before. Are you following?" he asked. "I am not trying to undermine you, but rather show you that perhaps, Varië has spun things to happen for a certain reason."

If Autumn had been successful in keeping Merry and Pippin from falling into the Uruk's hands, they might never have reached Fangorn. If they hadn't reached Fangorn, they wouldn't have met Treebeard, who in time, would gather the Ents, and eventually, destroy Isengard. Sauron would not shift his glance to the other Hobbits, meaning Sam and Frodo would be easier to find... "You speak in fair reason," she confessed, turning her eyes to her friends. "Forgive me, I shouldn't have snapped at you all."

Saving Boromir (A Boromir love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin