Chapter 4: The Council

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Chapter 4- The Council

The morning came early, and with it came Arwen to help Autumn prepare for the Council. Autumn dared not mention her eavesdropping on the meeting between the Elleth and Aragorn. In fact, it was rather difficult to restrain herself; she wanted nothing more than to bounce up and down in excitement.

Arwen brought with her a napkin of food and a rich, blood-red dress with silver stitching. "This garment will look lovely on you," she said as Autumn munched on the loaf and fruit Arwen had brought along.

"Thank you," Autumn replied with a smile. "It's beautiful."

The Elleth brushed out Autumn's midnight black hair and with skilled fingers, waterfall braided her locks. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, Arwen smiled and said, "There, now you look like a true heir of Estë."

And she did. Her lips were full and red; her eyes were hidden behind long, dark lashes and her eyelids were dusted with silver shadow. She appeared older and wiser than she had before- and the resemblance struck her like a freight train.

She was the spitting image of her mother. She swallowed hard, A mother that never wanted her; that abandoned her as an infant. Her thick black hair was as dark-if, not darker than her father's. "Wow," she murmured under her breath. "I barely recognize myself."

"You look beautiful," the Elleth smiled reassuringly. "Now we need to get you into your dress. The council will be starting soon."

Autumn stripped out of her nightdress and with Arwen's help, managed to slip gracefully into the blood-red gown. The dress was right across her breasts and around her waist but flared out below her torso into a river of Crimson. The sleeves were taut around her wrists but ended in a point-like triangle.

"This dress belonged to my mother," Arwen informed her as she laced the back of the dress. "She wore it the day my father returned from the Battle of Mordor. The red was to honor the lives of the soldiers who had given their lives in the defeat of Sauron."

"Your mother sailed for Valinor," Autumn said softly.

"Yes," Arwen's tone was remorse and perhaps even slightly broken. "My mother had been kidnapped and attacked by the enemies near the Mountains. She was," her voice drifted off, "Broken; humiliated and tortured. It took my brothers many days to find her- and when they did, she was already gone, but they returned her to Imladris anyway."

Precious silver tears pricked the corners of Arwen's eyes as she recalled the incidents. "She was fading," the Elleth continued. "She pleaded with my Ada to allow her to sail from the Grey Havens, and eventually he agreed. I haven't seen her since..." She brushed the tears aside and forced a wide smile. "But you see, this is where we are much alike: both our mothers were of golden hair, yet we both adapted our fathers' dark color."

Autumn chuckled under her breath. Perhaps this sadness that Arwen harbored in her heart for the loss of her mother wasn't so strange after all. Even Autumn missed her mother for the hole that had been burned into her own heart.

"I will walk you to the Garden Gate," Arwen smiled after inspecting the girl once more. "The council will be beginning before too long. I would assume you wish to find a place before the meeting."

The two women walked in thoughtful silence as they made their way down the forest paths and towards the heart of Imladris. Already several familiar figures were spotted further up the trail and Arwen dipped her head. "I shall see you after the meeting, but I dare not follow you any farther. My father would not approve of it, I'm afraid. Until later, Amin Mellon," she smiled before bidding farewell to Autumn.

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