Chapter 10: Lothlórien

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Chapter 10- Lothlórien

Time crawled by as the Fellowship made their way down the rocky terrain and to the flat earth below. The pang of loss still throbbed unrelenting in their minds and affected Frodo above all. Gandalf had been his friend for as long as he could remember, and now he was just gone. Why would the Fates allow such a terrible thing? What would the Fellowship do now that their mentor was gone?

Frodo sniffed, wiping his nose on his sleeve as he stumbled along after Aragorn and Legolas. The man and the Elf seemed intent on making to the forest of Lothlórien before nightfall. He stole a look at Sam, Merry, and Pippin: they were all mourning as well. Losing the Wizard was going to affect everyone.

"Gandalf would've wanted us to finish the task before us," Autumn had said earlier. Frodo knew it was true. The Ring had been given to him, and he needed to determine what to do with it in the time it was given to him. He hadn't the slightest idea of where to find Mordor, how to take care of himself or defend himself against the forces of Sauron. How could he destroy the One Ring when it had already consumed him?

Frodo stole a look at Autumn and felt his distrust of her melt away.

The Valar had sent her, he remembered, shaking away his uneasiness. She had as much a part to play in this story as he did.

"I lost someone dear to me as well," the woman said slowly as they hurried along in silence. "Of course, it was many years ago, but that doesn't change the way you feel. My father is no longer with me, and when he passed, he took with him many secrets. He never told me of my mother or how they met... When he passed away," her lips quivered, but she swallowed and regained her composure. "I was lost; I didn't know what to do or where to go... It was all just a blur."

"What did you do, my lady?" Sam asked, finally speaking up.

She hesitated. "I honored his memory as best as I could. I did everything that I assumed he would want me to do. I became a better person in the end. We have all lost someone at one point or another..."

Frodo had lost both his parents.

Aragorn had lost his parents, too.

Boromir's mother had died in childbirth.

Legolas' mother had too faded out of history, whether dead or alive, no one knew.

Most of Gimli's family had been slaughtered at the Battle of Five Armies.

The other Hobbits... they had all lost someone too at one point or another.

"We must honor Gandalf by accomplishing the task ahead of us," Aragorn said, finally speaking in a level voice. His eyes were softer now, but his mouth was tight and determined. He was a born leader and the true King of Gondor; Autumn admired him for his sense of honor and responsibility.

"What awaits us in Lothlórien?" Boromir asked, his voice in a low key.

"Someone who will help us," Autumn promised. And tell me why I am here.

After hours several more hours, the Fellowship finally arrived at the borders of Lothlórien. The only thing that stood between a place of rest and the threat of Orcs by nightfall was a large, rushing creek. Autumn could already feel her strength returning, and the sweet smell of flowers brought her comfort. The forest was her home. She knew how to survive here.

Aragorn ran ahead and splashed across the creek, only to stand relieved in front of the tree line. "We will find safety and rest here tonight," he promised with a small smile. The necklace Arwen had given him shined brightly against the contrast of his dark leather.

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