Chapter VII- A Healer Amongst the Battle

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Chapter VII- A Healer Amongst the Battle

The sun had bearly risen next morning before King Théoden had ordered the camps to be cleared and for the Rohirrim to make haste for Helm's Deep. The people seemed hopeful, they were nearly halfway to their destination, but Autumn's stomach churned at the thought of how many members of this party would not be alive in three days. Many of the men and young boys would be cut down by the swords and axes of the Uruk-Hai once the Hornburg was under attack. But perhaps she could change some of that. She was a healer after all... maybe she could act as a medic during the battle, healing others to ensure they could press on in battle or make it to the Glittering Caves to defend the women and children.

The two children from the night before were back with Lady Éowyn, and they were talking to her softly. The brother and sister had spent the entire night sleeping close to Autumn, who's comforting presence eased them to sleep.

Autumn herself, after being drawn out of her nightmare into the environment to which she met Lord Irmo, had slept peacefully. Meeting her mother's husband, who, to her surprise, had treated her well... other than his suspension that Melkor could corrupt her. But he was choosing to trust her, and he'd even said she had a place in Middle Earth and her own world. She only needed to prove herself worthy of being a hero in this world to earn a spot.

Autumn had woken up in Boromir's arms. Her head on his chest and his arms circled around her protectively. She'd slept soundly, and to Aragorn and Boromir's surprise, it had been the first time she hadn't snored in her sleep since departing Rivendell. With her hair matted and tangled, her mouth slightly agape, and creases from his jerkin on her face, Boromir thought she'd never looked more beautiful. In only several months, he had fallen in love with the Daughter of Rest.

He had thought he'd been in love once, but that was something different. Spending time with Autumn in battle and out of it, seeing her heart and how kind she was had softened him. He'd lived such an action-filled life defending Gondor and making his father proud, that he'd neglected to look at the softer, more essential parts of life. He looked at Autumn and knew she would make an incredible warrior in Gondor, but also a caring mother, and a loving wife.

He'd kissed her forehead, causing her to stir in her sleep and mumble into him something incoherent. He knew that morning that he wanted to wake up with Autumn for the rest of his life, and he never wanted to be parted from her again. Autumn was his savior: she'd saved him from certain death and saved him from having a hard heart. She had changed him, thawed him like the ground after a hard winter, slowly softening in the spring sunlight.

As they'd packed up the campsite, he could tell in her eyes that something was bothering her. She seemed anxious, her hand continuously going to her sword, fingering the hilt as if she knew something was coming. No, she did know something was coming, and it was making Boromir uneasy as well. Even in Edoras, Autumn had mentioned that they were heading for a trap, and in his heart, he knew there would be an ambush.

"How will it come?" Boromir asked softly as he and Autumn walked together, leading Ariel after the caravan.

She looked at him with confused grey eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You're anxious about something, and your anxiety has been building steadily. What is it that you fear? What is coming?"

Autumn opened her mouth and shut it in hesitation. There was no sense in lying to him, Boromir, after all, knew that something was approaching; he knew she was aware of it, too. "There are scouts up ahead," she confessed lowly.

"Then, we must warn King Théoden and his people!"

"It's not as simple as that, Boromir," Autumn replied, placing her hand on his forearm, urging him to keep his voice down. "The scouts are part of the reason why we are prepared for the Battle of Helm's Deep. Some things happen today that will influence the outcome of what happens next... If we do tell the King, we won't have the advantage. You see... Aragorn will learn something and be able to warn the King."

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