Chapter 2: Rivendell

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Chapter 2- Rivendell

It was still early when Aragorn roused the Hobbits and, lastly, the mysterious woman with the hair as dark as night itself. He began to slowly trust her after he saw how she placed herself in the path of uncertainty to defend the Shire folk. Besides, Arwen had instructed him to keep her safe and to protect her. The daughter of Lord Elrond knew Autumn by name, but more to his surprise, Autumn knew his name.

To most around him, he used the alias Strider- but she knew his real name. She had recognized his ring- the Ring of Barahir. Although it was little more than an heirloom, she had spotted it and known its significance without a second thought. "We make haste this day," was all he said as the young woman sat up.

Her hair, dark and wavy, reminded him of the stone onyx, but her eyes were stormy and gray. Her lips were full and her face square. Autumn's eyes were cold and sad as if she had suffered great tragedies in her short life. "Where are we going?" she asked, getting to her feet and swinging her odd pack over her shoulders.

"To Rivendell, my lady," he answered bluntly.

"We're going to see the Elves?" Sam asked. "Is that where the Lady Elf took Frodo?"

"Elleth," Autumn turned to Sam. "Elleth is the proper way to refer to a female Elf, Sam."

Aragorn exhaled, turning to face her once more. She knew a lot for not being from Middle Earth. "Lord Elrond's daughter," he said lowly, turning to face the stout Hobbit. "Has taken Frodo to the House of Healing in Rivendell. She is but a day and a half ahead of us by now."

"Arwen will bring Frodo to Rivendell safely," Autumn reassured Sam, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

"How can you be certain?" Merry asked skeptically.

She hesitated before answering, "Have I led you wrong this far?"

The Hobbits fell silent before Pippin smiled. "No, you haven't."

Aragorn studied Autumn once more, carefully taking in her stormy gray eyes, the curve of her lips, and the way she composed herself. He knew instantly that she was someone important in her world- or at least the daughter of someone important. She had a sort of aura about herself that radiated comfort and safety- but at the same time, she was stubborn and could hold her own.

"Do we have time for breakfast?" Autumn asked, glancing up at Aragorn, who stood a head or so taller than her.

He nodded. "Yes, but I will not spare much time for meals. We need to reach Rivendell."

"We'll need a fire," she decided, heading off into the forest.

"My lady!" Aragorn called after her. "You cannot wander off on your own like this. I do not know what it is like in your world, but here, it is dangerous. Especially for a woman."

She came to a halt and turned to look at him with a fire in her eyes. "I can take care of myself," she spat back, stooping down to pick up a bundle of sticks and twigs. "Besides, I'm not wandering off." She sauntered back to the looming trolls where she dropped to her knees, smoothing away the fallen leaves. She brought her odd pack off her shoulder and retrieved a book of matches. Autumn piled the twigs, dry leaves, and other flammable kindling in a small heap before striking a match and kissing the flame to pile. Amongst the smoke and sparks, she dropped her head down to blow, causing the flames to lick the kindling. "There," she smiled at the Hobbits. "You can prepare your breakfast now."

"Thank you, m' lady!" Sam said quickly, reaching into his pack to pull some packages out.

Aragorn rolled his eyes at the woman's stubbornness. He didn't understand why Arwen wanted him to protect her- it seemed as if she would instead take care of herself than allow him to defend her.

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