Chapter Twenty-One: A Busy Evening

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We had only been sat and talking for a short while, we hadn't even been visited by the waiter when someone unexpected came to our table.

"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting or anything."

"Oh Jules, of course, not. What did you want?" Lillia asked her.

"I've just got off my shift and I saw you all sat here, I just wondered if you'd mind if I came and joined you?"

"Please do." Invited Lillia.

Jules took the empty seat next to Lillia and joined our group, just in time to see the waitress. After that the four us of sat there talking away until our food arrived. After we had eaten the waitress came and cleared our table.

"Would you like anything else?" She asked.

"No thank you. We're off after this." Lillia told the waitress.

"Oh, you're all leaving so early?" asked Jules.

"Yeah, we're taking Theo on his first quest in a couple of days and he gained three levels today, so we were thinking of taking him back to my place to go through how he spends his skill points. It's a lot quieter there and easier to think." Lillia explained to Jules.

"Oh, if you're doing that perhaps I can help? I have no experience in the field like you two, but I've spent many years helping adventures at the desk make these sorts of decisions. I'm sure I could be of some help."

"Thanks Jules." I answered. "That would be really helpful don't you think Lillia?"

Lillia quickly exchanged a glance with Altria before she answered.

"S-sure, if you don't mind Jules? We might be some time and I don't want to keep you up late if you have to be on the desk first thing in the morning."

"Yeah I don't mind at all. I'd be happy to help and I'm on the afternoon shift tomorrow."

"Then please do come along."

After that, the four of us left the guild hall and headed to posh part of town and Lillia's apartment. After briefly stopping at the building entrance to say good evening to Alfred the four of us climbed into the elevator and headed up to the top floor. There was the slightest hint of tension in the atmosphere with the four of us crammed into the lift. I put it down to what the real reason behind Lillia inviting me back to her apartment again was. They probably weren't wanting to wait until after we had gone through my skill points to get to it.

The four of us left the lift and headed down the hall to Lillia's apartment. We all waited at the door while Lillia unlocked.

"Come on in all of you and make yourselves at home."

We all did as she suggested and sat in her living room. The next couple of hours were spent discussing the finer points of how to spend my skill points. There was a lot of discussion over the best way to spend them and the future skills I could gain by using them. We spent all thirty points I had gained over the day. I ended up gaining a few powerful sword strikes and a defensive move. The strikes consisted of a heavy blow, an attack that could hit multiple enemies at once and a ranged attack that used mana to create a wind strike. The defensive move took twenty percent of the opponents attack even if I didn't block it completely. Overall, I was quite pleased with what I'd got from the experience.

As we were finishing up, Lillia dropped the odd hint here and there that we were at the end of the task. Jules picked up on this.

"Well if we're finished, should we walk back to the guild house Theo?" Jules asked.

"Err, sure." I agreed.

"Actually, I thought you might as well use the spare room tonight Theo. I can ask Alfred to escort you back to the guild house if you don't want to walk alone." Suggested Lillia.

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