Request 9: You messed with the wrong person

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"Tt back of harlots" I say glaring at them.

"Dami" Marinette says eyes widening.

"Who are you" the girl with ombre hair sasses.

"Tt your worst nightmare" I say hardening my glare making half of them back off.

I see Chloe break out of one of the jocks grip and make her way towards us.

"Blondie please explain" I say making her grumble.

"Well demon spawn, these idiots have been bullying Marinette for 3 years now and decided to beat her up today" she says.

"THE F*CK WHAT" I hear Jason shout.

Jason's POV

Upon hearing what Chloe said I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"THE F*UC WHAT" I shout letting go of the idiot and making my way back to the ground. I pull out my gun and point it at the girl with sausage hair. "Who is the main bully Chloe"

"The lier with the sausage hair" she answers answers staring at her nails.

"What's stopping me from killing you all here and now" I ask the pale teenagers.

"Your younger sister Jason" I hear Marinette say.

Marinette's POV

"Sh*t" I hear him say under his breath.

"Come on jay let's go" I say pulling his arm.

"But Mari"

"Nope I'm not letting you kill the lier and her sheep"


"Oh please Jason, these idiots couldn't leave a scratch on me even if they tried"

"You calling us weak" Kim shouts.

"I didn't say anything about you being weak. I just said your not strong enough to leave a mark on me" I say smirking making Chloe and Kagami snicker.

"Good one Mari" Chloe says full on laughing.

"Maybe you should try someone you might actually achieve your goal in hurting" Luka says.

"Oh I know an ant would be the perfect candidate" Kagami says making them burst into laughter.

I look back to my class who are of course angry.

"Let's go" I say picking up my stuff and dragging the boys away.

Time skip at night
Damian's POV

We spent the whole day together. Mari explained the situation to us. Turns out even her adoptive parents turned against her and she is staying with her best friend Chloe along with her 'siblings' Kagami and Luka.

"So what's the plan" Tim asks.

"Take down the lier of course" I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh Bruce is going to adopt them isn't he" Stephanie asks jumping up and down his seat.

"No" Jason and I say at the same time.

"Now boys" he says making us grumble.

"I'll start contacting a few people" Damian says heading out of the room mumbling 'f*cking serial adopter' on his way out.

"Language master Damian" Alfred warns.

"Tt" he yells.

Marinette's POV

Miraculous Salty SeptemberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin