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"Oh! I wanted to show you something." I said to Ponyboy.

It was a Friday night. He came over my house today, he has been a lot lately. We just hang out and talk and whatever. It's nice just to have each other's company.

Things were so different now, but I liked my new normal.

I was still in therapy, but I've been able to do one on one sessions more often. I still see Connor a lot despite the fact he lives so far.

I went back to school, and people talked... a lot. But not in a way that was bad. People who I'd never spoken to before, both Socs and Greasers, would come up to me and say how I'm so strong and how sorry they were when they heard what happened. It was annoying though, to be honest. None of it was there faults, and I'd rather not hear about it anymore and have to relive it.

Mom and Josh had their wedding. It was a very small reception and was held in a quiet town a few hours away. It was pretty. Very country. The wedding was outdoors of course, in a beautiful open field that was framed with trees. Flowers grew all around the grass. I loved staying there but I wouldn't ever want to be in a place like that too long. It's too quiet... I liked the loud buzz of the city. And plus, Pony did tell me one day we'd live on the beach...

"Your messy closet?" He asked jokingly as I pulled open the door to it and he followed me inside.

"No," I rolled my eyes.

He stopped. I turned around to see what his gaze was set on and felt my face turn red. It was his sweatshirt that was on a hanger right in plain sight.

"I've been looking for that!" He said.

"Um... I..."

"Oh, yeah. I gave that to you, remember?"

I furrowed my brows. I thought he'd just left it here. But then I remembered.

I felt his body stir so I flipped around to face him to see if he was awake.

He smiled at me. "How'd you get there?"

I felt my cheeks redden.

We both continued to lay down for a while, and I never moved from his arms. It was comfy there.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, making conversation.

I laughed. "I might have slept better if you hadn't taken all the blankets. I'm freezing!"

"Here," he said, tossing me his sweatshirt. "That'll make it up to you."

I smiled and slipped the sweater over my head.

"Oh, yeah," I said. "I must've... forgotten to give it back."

He smiled. "Keep it."

He was quiet for a second, and then said, "that was one of the last good memories I had of when everything was normal."

"Yeah, me too, before my life turned to shit." I replied. "Anyways, let me show you this stupid thing."

I pulled a string that hung from my ceiling and down came the staircase.

"An attic?" Pony asked.

"Follow me and you'll find out."

I led him up the stairs and out we came right onto the roof.

The sun was setting then, and it made the sky a mixture of beautiful shades of orange, pink, purple, and blue. It looked as if someone had taken giant paint cans of those colors and tossed them into the sky and mixed them around in such a delicately beautiful way.

"Wow," Ponyboy breathed.

"Wow barely covers it..." I sat down and stared at the sky, and he sat right next to me.

We sat in silence for a little, admiring the beauty of the sunset. I subconsciously held onto my sun necklace. Ponyboy smiled when he noticed.

"I didn't know you still wore that," he admitted.

"Are you serious? Since you gave it to me, I haven't ever taken it off."

He looked up at me and our eyes locked. And then I thought about all I've been through the past year. How everything got so dark and twisty but one thing never changed; my love for this boy.

I leaned in and so did he and then our lips were touching. I smiled into the kiss. I loved him and I wanted him. He was the sun who could brighten up the darkness.

"Someday can be today?" He whispered after pulling his lips off of mine.

I smiled. "Yes."

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