Chapter 14

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I heard Caesar's big entrance and his speech about saying goodbye to us all except one and blah blah. I walked into the dressing room with Cinna. I saw a big beautiful white dress in front of me.

"A wedding dress?" I asked surprised.

"President Snow insisted, but I made a few alterations." Cinna said. I looked at him with a smile on my face. After a good few minutes I was finally in the dress. Cinna was fixing my hair and makeup. The TV was on and I was watching the District 1 Tributes talk. The female was sobbing. It sounded so fake.

"God! Does anybody actually believe this?" I said.

"Apparently everybody." Haymitch said gesturing behind me. I looked behind me at Effie and a couple of other people on the other side of the room. They were crying with the female Tribute.

"These Victors are angry Maddie. They'll say anything to try and stop the Games. I suggest you do the same." Haymitch said. I continued to watch the other Tributes speak. Finnick talked to his loved one on camera. Johanna cussed at everyone. And I'm in a wedding dress. This is crazy.

"All right turn around." Cinna said. I turned. Cinna looked me up and down.

"I think I'm done." Cinna said proudly.

"Will I be twirling tonight?" I asked.

"Save it for the end." Cinna said. I nodded.

"One minute. Is she ready?" Effie asked. Effie looked at me and gasped.

"Oh Maddie. Oh. You would've been the most beautiful bride." Effie said tearing up.

"Thank you." I said. I wish Newt could of seen me in this dress. I wish I could of married him. On that beautiful beach at the safe haven. I stopped myself from tearing up so I wouldn't mess up my makeup. Cinna worked very hard on it.

"Now let's go show them what real beauty looks like." Effie said. I nodded and put on my best smile. We walked out backstage.

"Oh pretty pretty Maddie, they're going to adore you. And there are a lot of sponsors in the audience so of course just be your usual self. Actually be your happier self." Effie squealed. Johanna stood next to me.

"Really? A wedding dress?" Johanna said in disgust.

"Snow made me wear it." I said dryly. A sly smile rose on her face.

"Make him pay for it." Johanna said. A smile rose on my face to. Maybe Johanna isn't all that bad.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome.... you know her as the Girl on Fire! The Victor of the 74th Hunger Games.... Maddie Everdeen!!" Caesar announced. I walked onto the stage and the audience went crazy. I walked up next to Caesar.

"Maddie Everdeen you look fabulous. My my whoo. Now Maddie, this is, a very big and very emotional night for all of us. Wouldn't you say?" Caesar said.

"Oh don't go crying on me now Caesar." I said. The audience laughed.

"I can't make any promises. You know me." Caesar said.

"You know I wouldn't believe you even if you did." I chuckled. Everyone laughed again.

"I love her! The Girl on Fire is so cheeky. But Maddie, on a more serious note. I think we're all here a little disappointed, more than a little disappointed, that a certain wedding did not take place. Alas. But am I correct in assuming that this is the gown that you would have worn on that day, yes or no?" Caesar asked.

"Yes. President Snow thought everyone would want to see it." I said.

"Well President Snow as usual was right. I love it! I love it! It's incredible. It's so gorgeous. Will you do us the honor? Please?" Caesar asked. He wants me to twirl. I looked at Cinna who gave me a slight nod. I stepped on the very front of the stage. I then began to twirl. And twirl. The dress burst into flames. The wedding dress disappeared into thin air revealing a beautiful black dress. The audience was cheering. I then lifted up my arms to reveal wings.

"Oh my God!!! It's a bird. It's got feathers. It's like a bird. It's like a... um..." Caesar stammered.

"Like a Mockingjay." I said proudly.

"Your stylist certainly has outdone himself this time. Cinna! Take a bow." Caesar said. Cinna stood up and bowed. He blew a kiss at me. I smiled. We finished and then I joined the other Tributes at the top of the stage. Now its Peeta's turn. Peeta came out and had a few good laughs with Caesar. Then Caesar got all serious again.

"Now Peeta, the wedding, the marriage, never to be?" Caesar asked. Without thinking Peeta answered immediately.

"Well actually we did get married. In secret." Peeta said. The audience gasped. I looked down at my feet. Looks like Peeta's gonna wing it. I can't watch.

"A secret wedding? All right. Do tell." Caesar pressed.

"We..... we want our love to be eternal. You know Maddie and I we've been luckier than most. And I wouldn't have any regrets at all if-. If it weren't.... if...." Peeta stammered. What is he trying to say? Or worse. What is he going to say?

"If it weren't for what? What?" Caesar pushed. Peeta hesitated.

"If it weren't for the baby." Peeta blurted out. The audience roared in astonishment.

"All right. This is news! Let's find out more." Caesar said. The crowd started yelling in confusion.

"Calm down. This is news to all of us." Caesar said worried. Everyone was yelling to call off the Games now. Haymtich smiled and drank.

"Everybody calm down." Caesar said again. Peeta ran up the steps and hugged me. I can't believe he did that. I grabbed the Tributes hand next to me. He then grabbed the Tributes hand next to him. Soon all of the Tributes were holding hands. We held them up in the air to show that we were one. United. People kept on yelling to cancel the Games. Caesar couldn't get them to quiet down. Suddenly the lights went off. The shows over.

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