Chapter 7

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I stepped out of the carriage with Effie and peeta. Caesar announced the 'engagement' of me and peeta. So here we are at an engagement party in the Capitol. We walked down the lit sidewalk. I frowned.

"Ah Presidential Palace. The party of the year. Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on. I'm talking to you Maddie." Effie said. I realized I was still frowning. I mean I never really smile anymore.

"Now there will be photographers. Interviews. Everyone will be here to celebrate you. My Victors." Effie squealed. We walked up the steps and now the party was in view. Fancy people were scattered about. Having fun. Beautiful decorations were everywhere. Effie gasped in awe.

"Breathe it all in children. This is all for you." Effie said.

"It's cozy." peeta said dryly.

"Attitude." Effie pointed out. She took a deep breath.

"Come come." She said. When we got to the front lawn everyone started cheering and clapping. I put on a smile and followed Effie.

"Hold hands." Effie said. Me and peeta linked arms and walked into the big house. Effie showed us around the house filled with people.

"And the library. All mahogany. Ooo curtains. Everybody who's anybody is here. And they all want to meet you." Effie said. We went out to the backyard. Tables were filled with food. More people crowded around.

"Try one of these. They are divine." A man said holding out a plate of food.

"No I can't eat another thing." peeta said. The man handed newt a drink.

"What's this?" peeta asked.

"It's for when you're full." The man said. Me and peeta exchanged confused glances.

"It makes you sick. So you can go on eating." A woman said. She smiled like it was normal.

"How else could you taste everything?" The man said. These people are crazy. newt handed the drink back to the man.

"I think it's time for a dance." peeta said. Good call. Me and peeta went to the dance floor. He took me by the waist with one hand and held mine with the other. We started dancing to the fancy music. peeta looked around. He sighed.

"People are starving in 12. Here they're just throwing it up to stuff more in." peeta said sadly. Before I could say anything Effie ran up to us. A man stood beside her.

"Maddie. Peeta. This is Plutarch Heavensbee. Head Gamemaker. Successor to Seneca Crane." Effie said. They have a new Head Gamemaker? Does that mean what I think it means?

"That's a tough act to follow." peeta said. I actually smiled. A real smile.

"Peeta!" Effie hissed. Plutarch held his hand out to me.

"May I?" He asked

"Please." peeta said then him and Effie walked off. Plutarch started dancing with me.

"So how do you like the party?" Plutarch asked.

"It's a little overwhelming." I said.

"It's appalling. Still if you abandon your moral judgement it can be fun." He said.

"So are you having fun?" I asked.

"I'm the Head Gamemaker. Fun is my job." He said.

"Thought that was what happened to Seneca Crane. Too much fun." I said.

"Seneca decided to quit breathing." He said. I thought he was executed.

"Decided?" I asked.

"It was that or poison berries. Being Head Gamemaker has never been the most secure job in the world." He said.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"Same reason as you. I volunteered." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Ambition. The chance to make The Games mean something." He said. So they are starting the Games back up again. I'm not surprised. I knew it was gonna happen eventually.

"The Games don't mean anything. They only mean to scare us." I said.

"Well maybe it was you who inspired me to come back." He said. Suddenly the Panem anthem started playing. We stopped dancing and everyone was cheering and clapping.

"Ah the Presidential welcome. I'm sure we'll meet again." He said then he walked off. Effie and peeta came up to me.

"Maddie come. The President awaits." Effie said. She escorted me and peeta to the front of the crowd.

"You think we convinced him?" peeta asked.

"I'm not sure what else we can do." I said. Then Snow stepped out onto a balcony. He made eye contact with me. I frowned.

"Tonight, on this, the last day of their tour, I want to welcome our two Victors. Two young people who embody our ideals of strength and valor. And I personally want to congratulate them on the announcement of their engagement." Snow said. Everyone cheered loudly.

"Your love has inspired us. And I know it will go on inspiring us every day for as long as you may live." Snow said. Then there were fireworks and cheering. I looked at Snow. He gave me a slight shake of his head. I didn't convince him. He's disappointed.


I laid in bed next to peeta. I couldn't sleep. I got up and walked to the living room. As I passed the security room I stopped. The door was open. I peeked in. There was a screen on. It showed people clamoring around. Fire lit up the screen. I don't know what district that is in. But it looks like people are rioting. Revolting. My mouth dropped. Some people were holding up the mockingjay symbol.

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